The button -4 what is devicenet – Hardy HI 200DNWM DeviceNet Weigh Module User Manual
Page 10

the weigh module to distinguish between
actual weight data and mechanical noise,
both of which are typically transferred to
the weight controller by the load cell sig-
can be config-
ured from devicenet controller to ignore
noise with frequencies as low as 0.5 Hz.
One of three other additional cut off fre-
quencies may be selected to provide a
faster instrument response time. The
default factory configuration is 1.0 Hz
vibration frequency immunity.
Second Generation Calibration
enables a scale system to be calibrated
electronically without using certified test
weights which equals the systems load
capacity. All Hardy Instruments C2
certified load sensors contain digital
information detailing its unique perfor-
mance characteristics. C2
Calibration is
performed over the network or by simply
pushing “THE BUTTON”and hold until
the module status LED (DS2) goes out.
The Button
With one push of “THE BUTTON” the
HI 200DNWM automatically electroni-
cally calibrates the weighing system with
certified load sensors, making the
system ready for use. This saves system
start up time costs and aggravations.
What is DeviceNet
The DeviceNet network is an open, glo-
bal industry-standard communication
network designed to provide an interface