01'$/9/"#1*?1)"2*f7>g:37 – Brookfield RST Rheometer User Manual
Page 51

Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
page 51
Manual No. M14-223
Unlock the shaft of the measuring bob to be inserted (e.g. RCT-50-1 or RPT-25-2) by loosening the
hexagon socket screw, adjust the measuring bob to its shortest length and then fix it again by screwing
down moderately.
Slide the coupling sleeve of the measuring bob coupling up (red ring visible). Place the measuring bob
into the coupling. Slide the coupling sleeve down (ring hidden) so the measuring bob is firmly seated in
the coupling.
Turn the adjusting screw at the measuring table into the lower position. Then move the measuring table
back up and secure with the quarter-turn fastener (“fixed” position).
Reduce the current distance between measuring bob and measuring table to about 1 mm by turning the
adjusting screw up, moving to a suitable “0” position at the scale of the adjusting screw.
Then set the measuring gauge also to the “0” position and unlock the measuring bob shaft. The
measuring bob now lies directly on the measuring table and is fastened in this position.
Lower the measuring table by 0.5mm using the adjusting screw (one turn of the screw) and then move it
up again, however to position “5” (50
"m), which is equal to the measuring position of the measuring cone.
Other distances, e.g. for use of an RPT-50 measuring plate, are to be adjusted accordingly.
Open the quarter-turn fastener to move the measuring table down and apply the substance to be
measured. Lift the measuring table back into working position and close the quarter-turn fastener. Now
you can start measurement.
Note: Material emerging at the edge of the cone should be removed using the supplied spatula (error
For temperature-controlled measurement you need to set the thermostat to the desired temperature and
to wait then until the sample has reached the desired temperature (e.g. temperature measurement by
Pt100 menu item “Devices for temperature measurement”). Then the actual measurement can begin.
IV.1.5 Measurement Using Special Measuring Bobs
For measurements with special measuring bobs, install the measuring bob (e.g. a vane spindle). Then
immerse the measuring bob in the container with the substance to be measured as far as the immersion
mark. After measurement, remove the measuring bob by opening the coupling (slide coupling ring up) and
pulling the measuring bob downwards.
IV.2 Measurements Using RST-CPS
The cone/plate and plate/plate measuring systems consist of the fixed bottom plate and the upper
measuring cone or plate element that is height-adjustable to set the required gap. The setting of the gap
depends on your instrument. You can use either Manual Gap Adjustment (MGA) or Automatic Gap
Control (AGC). If there is a micrometer ring (Nonius) on the RST-CPS Rheometer you have an instrument
with MGA. Otherwise you have to use AGC.
To carry out measurements, please select a measuring system suited for the desired measuring range
and your rheological requirements.
Caution when carrying out temperature-controlled tests: Check temperature before removing
the measuring system. Danger of injuries!