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B4/$0#)"2*c"d)$%"9/"#*0"&*=/"/$05*e0"&5)"2, 7/#'4*;%$*f7>g::*0"&*f7>g77 – Brookfield RST Rheometer User Manual

Page 14

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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.

page 14

Manual No. M14-223

II.3 Operating Environment and General Handling

Find a comfortable, convenient work place for the installation of the RST Rheometer. There should be
enough room to place the Rheometer, the measuring systems, the measuring substances and the
peripheral devices (e.g. printer, computer and bath/circulator). You need a grounded AC plug to operate
the RST Rheometer. You also need an additional plug for the connection of each peripheral device.

Your operating environment and the place where you store the RST Rheometer should not be extremely
hot, extremely cold or extremely moist. Places with strong temperature and air humidity fluctuation should
also be avoided.


Ambient conditions for operation and stoppage

Make sure that the following ambient conditons are maintained:

• temperature: +10 … +40°C
• relative air humidity: 20 … 80%


Environment and ambience

Make sure that the RST-CPS Rheometer is not exposed to:

• heavy dirt or dust,
• direct sun radiation,
• objects that emit strong heat (e.g. heating radiators),
• objects with a strong electromagnetic field (e.g. loudspeakers, motors etc.),
• liquids or corrosive chemicals.

Be careful to protect the RST Rheometer against heavy bumps or falls down. Avoid vibrations and shocks!



Never lift your RST Rheometer by the measuring element or its coupling. Avoid everything that

might impair the rotation of coupling (e.g. shock).

The Rheometer motor will automatically turn off if the maximum torque (100 mNm) is exceeded.

If the measuring torque is exceeded, e.g. by a stop of the measuring drive under full load or by a rise in
viscosity caused by hardening processes, the electronic safety devices will be activated and prevent a
defect. However, it is inevitable in such cases to abort the measurement or measuring program and to
disconnect the measuring bob from the measuring instrument.

II.4 Setup for RST-CC and RST-SST

II.4.1 Height Adjustment RST-CC

To adjust the height of the stand, release the clamp handle and pull the stand to the desired height,
holding the rheometer unit by the rear bridge.
When the height is right, fasten the clamp handle finger-tight again.

II.4.2 Height Adjustment RST-SST

The RST-SST Rheometer can perform viscosity measurements in original packing containers with the test

The height of the RST-SST is adjusted by loosening the clamp handle and then moving the instrument to
the desired position with the operating handle. After height adjustment the clamp handle can be fastened
finger-tight again if desired.