Brookfield RST Rheometer User Manual

Page 39

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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.

page 39

Manual No. M14-223

Figure III-38

The spindles are arranged in the following order:
Cone Spindles
Coaxial Cylinder Spindles
Plate Spindles
Vane Spindles

Press the radio button for the spindle that you wish to use in this program.

To enter a spindle that is not in the list, go to the HOME screen, then go to SETTINGS and choose
BARCODE. Use this function to enter the parameters for the spindle that you will use.

Push OK to go to the next screen which allows you to choose the instrument units:

Figure III-39

There are choices for viscosity and temperature. Units for viscosity include Pascal•seconds,

milliPascal•seconds, Poise and centipoises.

Units for temperature include °C and °F.

Push OK to go to the next screen, “Edit Steps”, where you create a structured test program:

Figure III-40

Use a drag and drop technique to move each program test block that you wish to use. Choices include
Constant and Ramp. Constant allows you to maintain a constant value for the test parameter: torque,
shear stress, speed, shear rate. Ramp allows you to go from an initial value to a final value for the same
test parameters. Place program blocks in sequence to create your test. For example, you can start at a
low rotational speed and ramp to a higher speed, then maintain that speed at a constant value, then ramp
back down to your start speed.