BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 93

For example if an approach has three IAFs but only one of the IAFs uti-
lizes a procedure turn, the procedure turn will only be displayed when the
one IAF is selected. In addition it is necessary to select a maximum map
range scale to display holding patterns and procedure turns on the SET 7
page (see section
CAUTION: Fly the published procedure for conducting procedure
turns and holding patterns. Do not rely solely on the depicted proce-
dure on the map as it may not be depicted to the proper scale.
Holding patterns and procedure turns are sized on the map according to
the aircraft’s groundspeed. The radius of turns is based on standard rate
turn using the aircraft’s groundspeed. Therefore as the aircraft’s ground-
speed changes due to the aircraft’s configuration or the effect of the wind
the size of the pattern will change. Holding patterns defined with fixed dis-
tance legs (e.g. 2 NM legs) are depicted with the defined leg length.
NOTE: Each of the waypoint page types includes a field which displays
present magnetic bearing to or magnetic heading from the waypoint. Due
to “great circle” courses and magnetic variation differences between pre-
sent position and the active waypoint, the To bearing and From radial may
not be exactly 180° different from each other. This condition is most likely
to occur when long distances are involved, and/or you are operating in
very northerly or southerly latitudes. See section 3.11.1 and figure 3-112
for more details.
3.12.1. AIRPORT PAGES The Airport 1 (APT 1) Page
See figure 3-146.
Line 1: The ICAO identifier (see
section 2.3) of the airport; an arrow
precedes the identifier if it is the
active waypoint. The airport eleva-
tion above MSL in feet or meters,
which is rounded to the nearest 10 feet or nearest meter.
Line 2: The name of the airport.
Line 3: The city where the airport is located.
Line 4: The state if the airport is located in the U.S., the Province if locat-
ed in Canada, or the country if outside the U.S. and Canada. A listing of
the abbreviations used for States, Provinces, and countries is contained in
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide
Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-146