15 quicktune tm nav/comm frequency selection, Chapter 3 basic gps operation 3-70 – BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual

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Waypoint Alert: The remote waypoint alert annunciator is on whenever
waypoint alerting is occurring. See sections 3.10.3. “Waypoint Alerting for
Direct To Operation” and 4.2.2. “Turn Anticipation and Waypoint Alerting.”

Message: The remote message annunciator is on whenever the mes-
sage prompt is on. See section 3.5. “Message Page.”

NAV/GPS: There may be a NAV/GPS switch/annunciator to switch a CDI
or HSI indicator’s navigation source between the KLN 94 and a VOR/ILS

GPS APR: An optional GPS APR switch/annunciator allows display
and control of the KLN 94 approach modes (see section 6.2.1).




When the KLN 94 is interfaced with either of Bendix/King’s KX 155A or
KX 165A Nav/Comms, it is capable of providing QuickTune



selection for both VHF communication and navigation frequencies. This
allows you to place the cursor over a frequency displayed on the APT 5,
VOR 1, FSS 1 (nearest FSS), or CTR 1 (nearest “Center”) pages and
automatically transfer the frequency to the appropriate comm or nav
standby window by pressing the

F button.

In addition, if a localizer-type approach (ILS, LOC, SDF, or LDA) or VOR
approach is loaded into the KLN 94’s active flight plan, the frequency
associated with the approach is automatically sent to the nav standby win-
dow of the KX 155A or KX 165A. This applies regardless of whether or
not the approach is approved for GPS.

At the time of installation the KLN 94 may be configured for QuickTune


with compatible Nav/Comms in the aircraft. It may be configured for up to
four comms and four navs (four KX 155A’s or four KX 165A’s), although
one or two is more common.

To determine how many Nav/Comms are configured into the KLN 94




Select the SET 14 page. If the
word “disabled” appears as in
figure 3-189 then the KLN 94 is
not capable of providing

frequency selection.

If a number appears as in figure
3-190 then the KLN 94 is config-
ured to provide QuickTune™
and you may continue with step

Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation


Figure 3-189

Figure 3-190