BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 79

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As you would expect, the NAV (navigation) pages contain information
relating specifically to the KLN 94’s navigation capabilities. The KLN 94
has four NAV pages. The procedure for selecting specific pages, including
the NAV pages, was described in section 3.4.1, “Page Selection”.


The NAV 1 page is shown in figure

Line 1: The active navigation leg.
For Direct To operation this consists
of the Direct To symbol,


, followed

by the active Direct To waypoint
identifier (figure 3-106). For the leg of
a flight plan this consists of the
“from” waypoint identifier and the
active “to” waypoint identifier (figure
3-107). An arrow

∆ precedes the

active waypoint identifier.

Line 2: A course deviation indicator (CDI) that graphically displays left
and right deviation from desired course. The CDI’s vertical bar operates
like a navigation deviation needle on a conventional CDI or HSI using
VOR/Localizer navigation. An on-course indication is displayed when the
vertical deviation bar is centered on the triangle in the middle of the CDI.
In en route use, each dot represents one nautical mile deviation from the
desired track (full scale deviation is ± 5 NM). Different CDI scales are used
during terminal and non-precision approach flight with KLN 94. For now,
let’s talk only about en route operations. A vertical deviation bar posi-
tioned two dots to the
right of the center tri-
angle indicates the
aircraft is two nautical
miles to the left of
course (figure 3-108).
The center triangle
also serves as the
CDI’s TO/FROM indi-
cator and operates in
the same manner as a
conventional CDI
TO/FROM indicator; a
triangle pointing up
indicates “to” the

KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide

Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation


Figure 3-106

Figure 3-107



2 NM

Figure 3-108