BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 19

Use the right outer knob to turn to the NAV page type. Watch the
page bar at the very bottom of the screen. As the outer knob is turned
the selected page type becomes reverse video (white letters on a blue
background). Turn until NAV is selected. Then use the right inner
knob to select the NAV 2 page if not already there. The NAV 2 page
shows your present position relative to a nearby VOR. It may take a
couple minutes for the GPS receiver to “wake-up” and determine a
position. Verify that this position is correct before proceeding.
Press the
D button. A page with the words DIRECT TO: is now dis-
played on the screen.
In step 8 you will enter the ICAO identifier of the airport. The identifier will
have a “K” prefix for a Continental U.S. airport, a “C” prefix for a Canadian
airport, or a “P” prefix (in some cases) for an Alaskan airport if the identifier
is all letters. For example, LAX becomes KLAX. For these countries if the
identifier contains any numbers, there is no prefix. For example, TX04 is
entered TX04. For other areas of the world the airport identifier should be
entered identically to how it is charted.
Rotate the right inner knob until the first character of the airport identi-
fier is displayed. Turn the right outer knob one step clockwise to move
the flashing segment to the second character position. Rotate the right
inner knob to select the second character of the identifier. Use this
procedure to enter the complete airport identifier.
F. The display will change to a page showing the identifier,
name, city, and state/country of the airport just entered. Confirm that
the correct airport is displayed. Press
F a second time to approve
the airport data.
10. A Navigation page (specifically the NAV 1 page) is now on the screen.
The left side of the display (blue background) shows distance, ground-
speed, desired track (DTK is the course to be flown), and actual track
(TK is the actual course the aircraft is currently tracking over the
ground). The large middle section of the display shows the active
waypoint, a course deviation indicator (CDI), bearing to the waypoint,
and estimated time en route (ETE). Beneath the CDI are located a
digital display of the deviation and the CDI scale.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide