Introduction – BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual
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KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide
Congratulations for choosing the Bendix/King KLN 94 GPS! Celestial
navigation will now be a way of life for you. The phenomenal accuracy of
GPS, along with the KLN 94’s user-friendly operation and color graphics
display will make flying a delight. Not only will the KLN 94 help you to
navigate more easily and more accurately, its trip planning features, air
data calculations, and other useful features will make you feel like you’re
flying with a true flight management system.
In addition, KLN 94 may be IFR approved for En route, Terminal, and
Non-precision Approach operations. We think you’ll find that having an
abundance of navigational data (not to mention a moving map!) available
to you will make non-precision approaches more precise and more enjoy-
This Pilot’s Guide will be of great help to you. It is written in plain, simple
English and it assumes you are not an experienced user of GPS or other
type of long range navigation equipment. If you are experienced, so much
the better. This Pilot’s Guide also includes hundreds of sample screen fig-
ures and other illustrations to make your learning easier. It is designed so
that you can start at the front and progress in the order presented; howev-
er, you may want to skip around and learn things in your own order. Also,
on page iv, there is an index of frequently used procedures which will help
you find the page that describes how to do exactly what you want to do.
There are also several appendices in the back of the manual that you may
find useful from time to time.
If you are an experienced KLN 89B user, Appendix G outlines the
KLN 94’s new features and operational enhancements.
Be sure to keep this Pilot’s Guide handy with you in the airplane. It is
designed to fit easily in the glove box, or in the seat pocket.
One last thing. Don’t get so involved in learning to use the KLN 94 that
you forget to fly the airplane. Be careful, and remember to keep a close
eye out for other aircraft.