BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 104

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point. To the right of the identifier is the frequency of the NDB in kilohertz.
If the NDB is being viewed as part of the nearest NDBs list (see section
3.9.1) the number designating the NDB’s position in the nearest NDB list
is displayed after the NDB identifier.

Line 2: The name of the NDB.

Lines 3-4: The latitude and longitude of the NDB.

Line 5: The magnetic bearing to or the magnetic radial from the NDB and
the distance. Placing the cursor over the radial/bearing field and rotating
the right inner knob changes it between radial from and bearing to the sta-

The format for terminal NDBs (those
NDBs only associated with an
approach) is shown in figure 3-168.
The NDB 1 page for terminal NDBs
shows the airport identifier associat-
ed with the NDB to the right of the
name on line 2.


The Intersection pages contain low altitude, high altitude, approach, and
DP/STAR intersections as well as outer markers and outer compass loca-
tors. Outer markers and outer compass locators may be stored by their
NDB identifier or as an intersection by their intersection name. In addition
DMEs associated with ILS and Localizer-type approaches are stored
with intersections. The Intersection 1 (INT
1) Page

The Intersection pages for the way-
point ELVIS (figures 3-169 and
3-170) are used as an example of
what is displayed for an actual inter-
section. The intersection page for
IJFK (figure 3-171) is used to show
how the page appears for a DME
associated with an ILS or Localizer-
type approach.

Line 1: The intersection identifier,

preceded by an arrow if it is the
active waypoint. If the waypoint is a
DME the letters “DME” appear to the
right of the identifier.

Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation


Figure 3-168

Figure 3-169

Figure 3-170

Figure 3-171