Database, Functions of the database, Database contents and coverage areas – BendixKing KLN 94 - Pilots Guide User Manual

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The database provides four primary functions. First, it makes pilot inter-
face with the GPS sensor much easier. Rather than having to manually
look up and then enter the latitude and longitude for a specific waypoint, it
allows you to merely enter a simple waypoint identifier. The database
automatically looks up and displays the latitude and longitude associated
with the identifier. It should be obvious that the database saves a lot of
tedious latitude/longitude entry and also greatly reduces the potential for
data input mistakes.

The second function of the database is that it serves as a very convenient
means to store and easily access aeronautical information. Want to know
the name of the airport, the tower frequency, or the airport elevation? Just
turn the knobs and display the information right on the screen.

Thirdly, the KLN 94 database stores the waypoints in their proper
sequence that comprise most approaches, arrival procedures, and depar-
ture procedures. This allows you to select an approach, STAR, and DP by
name as a whole, rather than entering them waypoint by waypoint.

And last but not least, the database furnishes the aeronautical and land
data that is displayed on the color moving map display. It is a great aid in
providing situational awareness to the pilot.


There are three database coverage areas available for the KLN 94. They
are referred to as the “Americas” database, the “Atlantic International”
database, and the “Pacific International” database.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Aeronautical
Radio, Inc. (ARINC) break the world into the ten geographic regions
shown in figure 2-1. The KLN 94 Americas database contains aeronauti-
cal information for the group of ICAO regions consisting of Canada, USA,
Latin America, and South America. The KLN 94 Atlantic International
database provides information for the ICAO regions Europe, Africa, East
Europe, and Mid East. Likewise, the Pacific International database con-
tains information for East Europe, Mid East, Pacific, and South Pacific.

The KLN 94 database contains three types of data - aeronautical, carto-
graphic (land), and user. Only the aeronautical data is sourced from
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. It includes information for airports, navigational
aids, navigational procedures (approaches, STARs, and DPs), and other
aviation specific data. The cartographic data includes land items such as
roads and rivers that can be displayed on the moving map display. User
data is the list of waypoints created by the pilot.

KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide

Chapter 2 Data Base
