Vmod-2/vmod-2d, Installation – Kontron VMOD-2D User Manual
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Man. ID 03139, Rev. Index 0200
modules or attachments to the system, including power to the peripher-
als. -
to observe sensible static protection procedures before handling any
modules, piggy-backs or memory IC's.
to keep all manuals handy, near to the system at all times and refer to
them when the need arises.
Some Tips are:-
PepCards are not over sensitive to static, but it is generally advisable to
observe sensible procedures such as:
When configuring the module do not take it out of the original packing
unless necessary, the new clear packs may be opened and the jumpers
set, piggybacks added, etc. without needing to remove the card. This
also prevents you inadvertently shorting any on-board batteries, etc.
When inserting modules into a system, just turn the power off, do not
remove the mains lead!, as it's ground wire prevents the rack floating
with dangerous static voltages, which could destroy circuits on the mod-
ule you are trying to insert.
Touch the front panel of the module you wish to insert, or the shell of
the connector you wish to connect to any part of the rack , before fitting,
to discharge any static from you the carrier.
Disconnect any leads connected to a module before undoing it's front
panel securing screws and pulling it out of the rack, put modules into
the rack before connecting any front-panel connectors.
Do not just pull modules straight out of a rack, check if they have cables
to unplug behind the front panel (such as the VSBC-1's 40-pin parallel
on-board headers) and ensure that these cables if fitted have enough
play to allow the modules concerned to be removed far enough to
detach these cables.
Park "pulled" jumpers onto one of the pins they would normally bridge,
so they are available for quick replacement should the configuration
change later.
Remember to check the mains input voltage selector switch before
installing or using any PSU!
Fill out the configuration card (in the appendix of this manual) with the
up-to-date (latest) system configuration data, e.g. which module is fitted
where and what addresses they are set to, etc. and refer to this when
investigating any problems or requesting any form of support from PEP
or it's authorized agents.
If you wish you may copy the configuration card, to write on the copy, keep a configuration his-
tory to return to, and keep the master clean for future use. Or you may choose to enter details
in pencil, to enable erasures and corrections to be easily made.
In the event of any "mystery" problems, such as those where a card sent for repair is returned
as having "no actual defect" or another tried card has the same symptoms. It is very often the
actual configuration which has led to the "apparent fault". With the many thousands of combi-
nations in which these cards could be employed, our repair department would never be able