Vmod-2/vmod-2d, Functional description, 3 external "local" reset input – Kontron VMOD-2D User Manual
Page 33

Functional Description
Page 2 - 7
Man. ID 03139, Rev. Index 0200
2.2.5 Interrupt Vector Setting Examples
The following examples are provided to help VMOD-2 users to quickly understand when and
how to set his VMOD-2's Interrupt Vectors as appropriate to his VMOD-2/Piggyback configu-
rations needs.
2.3 External "Local" Reset Input
A new feature of the VMOD-2 is the ability to cause a "local" reset to the on-board piggybacks
from two (previously unused) pins on the front panel connector. These pins accept external
voltages between +5V min. and +48V max, across each VMOD-2.
Set jumper B20 to 1-2 if an external reset facility is not required.
The principals of the local reset input circuit are, that an opto-coupler is monitored for an
external presence of current in through pin 26 and out to ground via pin 25 of the 50-way con-
nector. If the flow of current is interrupted at any time, e.g. by disconnection of connectors,
pressing a stop button, etc., the "local" reset is activated.
This facility may be enabled by setting the three-pin B20 jumper (linking jumper pins 1-3). Oth-
erwise the VMOD-2 is delivered with this jumper set to 1-2, which is particularly important
when using the VMOD-2 to replace an existing VMOD and not wanting to modify cables.
Table 2-5: Interrupt Vector Configuration Examples
B1 Settings
Two "intelligent" piggybacks
(both able to generate inter-
rupt vectors) are fitted to the
VMOD-2 to use their own gen-
erated vectors.
Use Piggy-
back Gener-
ated Vectors
Jumper B1 is
left open.
B4...B11 are not
decoded and can
be left in any set-
Two "Dumb" piggybacks
(both unable to generate
interrupt vectors) are fitted to
the VMOD-2 and need
VMOD-2's set vectors.
Use VMOD-2
Jumper set
B1 is to be
set to 1-2.
B4...B11 are set
for appropriate
byte coding.
One "intelligent" and one
"Dumb" piggyback are to be
fitted to the VMOD-2 and the
user wants the intelligent pig-
gyback to use it's on-board
"Intelligent" vector generation
in combination with "Dumb"
jumper coding.
Use the
"Dumb" pig-
gyback in
upper loca-
tion, and fit
the "intelli-
gent" one in
lower loca-
B1 is to be
set to bridge
pins 1-3.
B4...B11 are set
for desired vector
code to be
assigned when
piggyback "A"
makes an IRQ.