Vmod-2/vmod-2d, Product overview, 6 vmod-2 board overview – Kontron VMOD-2D User Manual
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Product Overview
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Man. ID 03139, Rev. Index 0200
1.6 VMOD-2 Board Overview
Figure 1-2: VMOD-2 Board Overview
The VMOD-2 is a simple low-cost product designed for maximum flexibility while keeping the
single-height, single-slot modular concept of the PepCard. To ensure user/system security
against fault conditions is maintained with and when using opto-isolated piggybacks, the
VMOD-2 has a large area of unpopulated board space under the front half of both piggyback
locations. This unused area is part of the VMOD-2's Galvanic isolation (see special note on
page 1-1) and no additional wiring should be routed to/from components in the rear-most area
of the VMOD-2 and the component groups (connectors) at the front of the VMOD-2. A "local-
Reset" logic line is however routed to the three-pin jumper near the 50-pin front panel connec-
tor, but this follows distancing and opto-isolation rules to ensure that the galvanic capability of
the opto-isolated piggybacks is not compromised.
The VMOD-2 is shown above with both the 50-way front panel connector and the 50-way on-
board header. It can only be ordered with one or the other. Further the VMOD-2 is shown with
the two piggyback locations occupied, which is how the majority of users employ their
VMOD's, but is delivered without any piggybacks, these items being added to the above illus-
tration to help see where the connectors and piggybacks are to be found/used.
Each of the two piggybacks are fitted so their 26-way connector pins fit into the corresponding
26-way socket-holes provided for each piggyback location. The rear connectors pins will then
fit into the correct rows of the 30/45-way sockets regardless of whether the piggyback has a
30-pin or 15-pin connector.
All the jumpers, with the exception of B20 (local reset), are to be found at the back end of the
VMOD-2 in several small groups. Jumper B01 is an "L" shaped group of three-pins nearest
the top edge of the board, and the rest are consecutively numbered progressing down the
VMOD-2 until the last (Jumper B19) is reached nearest the bottom of the board. The function
26-way, 2-row
pig gyback s ocket
30/4 5-way 2/3 -row
pig gyback s ocket
Pig gyback A
Upper Location
on VMOD-2
Pig gyback B
Lower Location
on VMOD-2
Local Reset
Jumper (B20)
B0 1
50-way front
panel connector
— or —
5 0-way on-
board header
96-way VMEbus
connector (P1, J1)
VMEbus interface
logic in SMD devices