Vmod-2/vmod-2d, Installation, 4 connecting the external devices – Kontron VMOD-2D User Manual
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Man. ID 03139, Rev. Index 0200
Figure 4-1:Location of jumpers on a VBP or VBP2 VMEbus backplane
4.4 Connecting the External Devices
If you are using any external leads which carry any voltage, do not plug the external leads into
the front panel connector until after the VMOD-2/Piggyback(s) assembly has been installed in
to the rack. The reasons are as follows;
For any external voltages (either under or over 50 Vdc) a risk of electrical shorts exist if
the assembled VMOD-2 is laid onto any conductive surfaces, including anti-static work-
bench mats, etc.
If your external power units are not protected by fuses (in all lines) there is a risk of lines
being accidently shorted when the modules are pushed in/or pulled out of the rack. In
particular their is a chance that lines from different external equipments can be shorted
together or to the VMEbus system's frame ground if the solder side of the VMOD-2's
BU2a and/or BU2b pins and/or the solder side of the piggyback ST2 or ST3 pins touch
the front panel of the module already fitted in the adjacent slot.
If the external voltages exceed 50 Vdc, personnel are exposed to risk of electrical shock
from solder side of the piggyback and the VMOD-2, i.e. from solder pads under the
VMOD-2 50-pin connector.
We also recommend that where possible no external power be present on the external con-
nector when making/breaking the connection, as this can degrade the connectors life.
T ermin at io n n etwo rk
resist or pu ll-up p acks
Jump ers s et fo r emp ty
slots or wherev er
Pep Card s with o ut an y
Dais y chain h and lin g
ab ility are fitted .
S LOT #1
S LOT #1
VM 20 Pro cess o r Board
as sy s tem con tro ller
remov e BG3* an d
IACK* Ju mpers
S LOT #1
S LOT #n
Wh ere VM OD-2 is to
b e fit ted, always
remo ve the IACK*
Jump er