Glossary of terms for woodworking, Heel – Craftsman 113.299210 User Manual

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Glossary of Terms for Woodworking

Anti-Kickback Paw ls

D evice w hich, w hen properly m aintained, is designed to

stop the w orkpiece from being throw n tow ards the front of

the saw at the operator during ripping operation


The shaft on w hich a cutting tool is m ounted

Bevel C ut

An angle cutting operation m ade through the face of the

w orkpiece

C om pound C ut

A sim ultaneous bevel and m iter crosscutting operation

C rosscut

A cutting operation m ade across the w idth of the w ork-

i c« WCS

D ado

A non thru cut which produces a square sided notch or

trough in the w orkpiece

Feat herb card

A device w hich can help guide w orkpieces during rip type



Perform ing a cut w ithout the use of fence (guide), m itsr

gauge, fixture, hold dow n or other proper device to pre­

vent the w orkpiece from tw isting during the cutting opera­

tion Tw isting of the workpiece can cause it to be throw n.

G um

A sticky, sap based residue from w ood products.


M isalignm ent of the saw biade such that the blade is not

paraile! to the m iter gauge groove,.


The am ount of m aterial rem oved by the blade in a

through cut or the slot produced by the blade in a non­

through or partial cut


An uncontrolled grabbing and throw ing of the workpiece

back tow ard the front of the saw

Leading E nd

The end of the workpiece w hich, during a rip type opera­

tion, is pushed into the cutting tool first.

M iter C ut

An angle cutting operation m ade across the width of the

w orkpiece

M olding

A non through cut w hich produces a special shape in the

w orkpiece used for joining or decoration .


G rooving w ith the grain the length of the w orkpiece, using

the fence (A type of non-through cut)

Push Stick

A device used to teed the w orkpiece through the saw

during narrow ripping type operations w hich helps keep

the operator's hands w ell aw ay from the blade

Push Block

A device used for ripping type operations too narrow to

aliow use of a push stick.

R abbet

A notch in the edge of a w orkpiece. (A type of non­

through cut)

R esin

A sticky, sap based substance that has hardened.

R evolutions P er M inute (R P M )

The num ber of turns com pleted by a spinning object in

one m inute

R ip C ut

A cutting operation along the length of the workpiece.

Saw biade Path

The area of the w orkpiece or table top dtrectiy in line w ith

either the travel of the blade or the pari of the w orkpiece

w hich w ill be, or has been, cut by the blade


The distance that the tip of fhe saw biade tooth is bent (or

set) outw ard from the face of the blade


Throwing of pieces in a m anner sim ilar to a kickback,

Thru-S aw ing

Any cutting operation w here the biade extends com -

pieteiy through the thickness of the w orkpiece

Trailing End

The w orkpiece end last cut by the blade in a ripping oper­


W orkpiece

The item on w hich the cutting operation is being per­

form ed





w orkpiece


com m only

referred to as faces, ends, and edges.