Motor, Trouble probable cause remedy – Craftsman 113.299210 User Manual

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N O TE: M otors used on wood w orking tools are particularly susceptible to the accum uiation of saw dust and wood chips

and should be blow n out or “Vacuum ed" frequenfiy to prevent interference w ith norm al m otor ventilation


Probable Cause


Excessive N oise

1, M otor

1 H ave m otor checked by qualified service technician

R epair service is available at your nearest S ears


M otor fails to develop

full power




(Power output of m otor




decrease in voltage at

m otor term inals For

rpdnrtinn of

10% in voltage causes

a reduction of 19% in

m axim um pow er output

of w hich the m otor is

capable, and a reduc­

tion of 20% in voltage

causes a reduction of

36% in m axim um power



1- C ircuit overloaded w ith lights,

appliances and other m otors

2 U ndersize wires or circuit too


3 G eneral overloading of pow er

com pany facilities, (In som e

sections of the country,

dem and for electrical pow er

m ay exceed the capacity of

existing generating and distribu­

tion system s


4 incorrect fuses of circuit break­

ers in pow er line


D o not use other appliances or m otors on sam e cir­

cuit w hen using the saw


Increase w ire sizes, or reduce length of w iring. S ee

“M otor




R equirem ents"


3 R equest a voltage check from the pow er com pany

4. Install correct fuses or circuit breakers

M otor starts slow ly or

fails to com e up to full



Low voltage-

2 W indings burned out or open

3 Starting relay not operating

1. R equest voltage check from the pow er com pany

2 H ave m otor repaired or replaced.

3. H ave relay replaced

M otor overheats

1 M otor overloaded

2 im proper cooling (Air circuiation

restricted through m otor due to

sawdust, accum ulating inside

of saw


1 Feed work slow er into blade


C lean out sawdust to provide norm al air circulation


m otor


“M aintenance"



section -

R elay w ill not operate

1. Burned contacts {due to

extended hold-in periods

caused by low line voltage, etc.)

2 Saw not in upright position

3. Loose or broken connectors.

1 H ave relay replaced and request a voltage check

from the pow er com pany,

2. Place saw in upright position.

3 H ave w iring checked and repaired.

M otor stalls (rssufting in

biow n fuses or tripped

circuit breakers)

1, Starting relay not operating,

2 Voltage too low to perm it m otor

to reach operating speed

3 Fuses or circuit breakers do not

have sufficient capacity

1 H ave relay replaced

2, R equest voltage check from the pow er com pany

3, Install proper size fuses or circuit breakers,

Frequent opening of

fuses or circuit breakers

1. M otos overloaded

2 Fuses or circuit breakers do not

have sufficient capacity

3, Starting relay not operating

(m otor does not reach speed.)


Feed work slow er into blade


Install proper size fuses or circuit breakers

3 H ave relay replaced.