Rda --setpassword, Rda --delete_client --name

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To verify the current state of an RDA client, you can check the two sources:

DR Series system CLI, using the rda --show --clients command

DR Series system GUI, displaying the Clients page

These sources display information about the connected and configured clients. When a system is connected multiple
times, these sources show the number of connections to that client and the mode. You can also change the mode from
dedupe to the other supported modes. When this is done the displayed mode changes, but any active connections
remains. There are essentially two possible modes: Dedupe and Passthrough. To verify the current mode of an RDA
client, you can check the two sources of client statistics:

DR Series system CLI, using the stats --container --name command

DR Series system GUI, displaying the Container Statistics page

In the Container Statistics page, click the Client Statistics tab (under Connection Type: RDS) to display the Client
Statistics table. If the Network Savings level in this table displays some savings and the displayed Bytes Ingested value
is different from the displayed Bytes Transferred, it indicates that the RDA clients are working in the Dedupe mode. If
not, it indicates that the RDA containers are working in the Passthrough mode.

rda --update --opdup_encryption


Sets the type of encryption that will be used by RDA initiated opdup replication.


rda --update --opdup_encryption aes128


RDS OPDUP encryption updated to aes128

rda --setpassword


The command updates the Rapid Data Access (RDA) user password.


rda --setpassword

For example, to set the rda password, run the command: rda ––setpassword

NOTE: The password has to be between 8 and 12 characters and cannot contain quotes.


Enter new password for backup_user:Dell1234

Re-type new password:Dell1234

Rapid Data Access (RDA) password updated successfully.

rda --delete_client --name


The command deletes the Rapid Data Access (RDA) client and any edits that were made to its default values. The next
time a connection is established between the client and the DR Series system, the default RDA connection settings will
be used. Deleting an RDA client using this CLI command does not affect data already written to the DR Series system.