Dell 5110cn Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 38

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E-Mail Server

Port Status

Displays the port status.

Primary SMTP Gateway

Displays the primary SMTP gateway.

SMTP Port Number

Displays the SMTP port number.

E-Mail Send Authentication

Displays the authentication method for outgoing e-

POP3 Server Address

Displays the POP3 server address.

POP3 Port Number

Displays the POP3 port number.

Reply Address

Displays the IP address of servers connected with
SMTP protocol when data is incoming.

SMTP Server Connection

Displays the status of the SMTP server connection.

E-Mail Alert

E-Mail List 1

Displays the acceptable e-mail addresses for the E-
Mail Alert feature specified in E-mail List 1.

E-Mail List 2

Displays the acceptable e-mail addresses for the E-
Mail Alert feature specified in E-mail List 2.

Select Alerts
for List 1

Supplies Alerts Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail

Alert for consumables.


Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail
Alert for paper handling.

Service Call

Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail
Alert for Service Calls.

Select Alerts
for List 2

Supplies Alerts Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail

Alert for consumables.


Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail
Alert for paper handling.

Service Call

Displays the status, and whether to receive an E-Mail
Alert for Service Calls.

Print Server Settings

The Print Server Settings tab includes Basic Information, Port Settings, Wireless LAN, TCP/IP,
NetWare, SMB, AppleTalk, E-Mail Alert, Bonjour (mDNS), and SNMP pages.

Basic Information
