2 installing and configuring rabbitmq server, Installing and configuring rabbitmq server – Acronis Backup Advanced for vCloud - Administrator's Guide User Manual
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Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
1.3.2 Installing and configuring RabbitMQ Server
Agent for vCloud obtains events from vCloud Director via the RabbitMQ Server AMQP broker.
If your vCloud Director already uses RabbitMQ Server, make sure that the exchange type is set to
topic, and continue to "Installing Acronis Backup Management Server" (p. 13).
If RabbitMQ Server is already installed, but not used by vCloud Director, skip to step 5 of the
following procedure.
To install and configure RabbitMQ Server
1. Download RabbitMQ Server from http://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html.
2. If you want to install RabbitMQ Server on a machine running Windows, download and run Erlang
Windows Binary File, which is available at http://www.erlang.org/download.html.
3. Follow the RabbitMQ installation instructions to install RabbitMQ on any convenient host. The
host must have network access to vCloud Director.
4. The RabbitMQ management plug-in is required so that you can configure RabbitMQ Server. Do
one of the following, depending on the operating system of the RabbitMQ Server host:
In Linux, run the following commands:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
service rabbitmq-server stop
service rabbitmq-server start
In Windows:
Go to Start > All programs > RabbitMQ Server > RabbitMQ Command Prompt.
Ensure that the command prompt shows the folder containing the RabbitMQ Server
executable files, such as C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.1.5\sbin.
If necessary, change the folder by using the cd command.
Run the following command: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Run Start > All programs > RabbitMQ Server > RabbitMQ Service - stop.
Run Start > All programs > RabbitMQ Server > RabbitMQ Service - start.
5. Run the following commands on the RabbitMQ Server host to create a new user account:
rabbitmqctl add_user
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /
Note You can use an existing RabbitMQ Server user account with permissions equal to or higher than those
given by the commands above.
Acronis Backup Advanced for vCloud Agent for vCloud will use this account to receive event
notifications from vCloud Director. Remember the account credentials, as you will be asked for
them when configuring Agent for vCloud.
6. Open a web browser and go to the RabbitMQ Server Web UI located at: http:// name>:15672/. Here, 7. Provide the credentials of the RabbitMQ Server user created in step 5. a. In Name, specify a name for a new exchange that will be used by Agent for vCloud. For example, specify vcdExchange.
8. Click Exchanges.
9. Under Add a new exchange: