Tesee screening report – Bio-Rad iMark Microplate Absorbance Reader User Manual

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iMark Microplate Absorbance Reader Instruction Manual


9. TeSeE Screening Report
Analysis of the TeSeE screening assay results can be done with two pre-programmed protocols: “TeSeE”
protocol is stored in Endpoint Protocol position #5 and “TeSeE eq” is stored in Endpoint Protocol position #6 as
factory default setting. Both protocols are locked.

TeSeE screening report is generated only if these protocols are selected as current active protocol. Plate is first
validated according to negative and positive controls validation criteria; samples are then compared to the
calculated cut-off.

Criteria for plate validation are set as follows:

Criteria #1:

Individual Negative Control must be < 0.150

Number of valid Negative Control must be >= 3

Criteria #2:

Individual Negative Control must be < 1.400 * Negative Control average

Number of valid Negative Control must be >= 2

Criteria #3:

Positive Control average must be >= 1.000

Cutoff is calculated as follows:


Positive cutoff


Negative Control average + 0.210

Negative cutoff = (Negative Control average + 0.210) * 0.900

TeSeE eq:

Positive cutoff

= Negative Control average + 0.210

Negative cutoff = Negative Control average + 0.090

Samples are interpreted as follows:

“POS”: Positive when sample OD >= Positive cutoff

“NEG”: Negative when sample OD < Negative cutoff

“???”: Gray zone: NEG cutoff =< sample OD < POS cutoff