Cabletron Systems ELS10-26 User Manual

Page 94

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Bridge MIB


{dot1dStpPortEntry 3}

Integer Read-Only

The port’s current state as defined by application of the Spanning
Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on
reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is
malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken (6) state. For
ports which are disabled (see dot1dStpPortEnable), this object will
have a value of disabled (1).


{dot1dStpPortEntry 4}

Integer Read-Write

The enabled/disabled status of the port.

The ELS10-26 does not change the parameter’s value when
processing a SetRequest - refer to the lxsprotoBridge parameter in
Cabletron’s enterprise-specific MIB for the SetRequest capabilities.


{dot1dStpPortEntry 5}

Integer Read-Write

The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the
spanning tree root which include this port.

Any value from 0 to 65535 may be specified; specifying a value of 0
will cause the ELS10-26 to automatically compute the proper
default value.



{dot1dStpPortEntry 6}

Octet String Read-Only

The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in
the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge
for the segment to which the port is attached.


The proper default is the inverse of the media baud rate (e.g., 10 for FDDI, 100

for Ethernet). The effective value is always returned in the GetResponse.