Keypad programming instructions operational check, Keypad programming instructions – SARGENT Profile Series v.G1.5 Mortise Locks User Manual

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Keypad Programming Instructions

Operational Check


1. Insert key into cylinder and rotate (There should be no friction against lock case, wire

harness or any other obstructions. Refer to Section 6 if harness friction exists).

2. The key will retract the latch; key should rotate freely.

3. If the deadbolt is thrown, the key will retract both the deadbolt and the latch

4. Inside lever retracts latch and deadbolt

5. Upon installation, enter 1234* to unlock or relock unit (All users will toggle door lock)

6. If lock is prox only (G1-PA), refer to keypad programming instructions to program

lock using SofLink Plus™ software


Profile Series v.G1.5 controllers replace v.G1 controllers. Product is still ordered as “G1-” prefix. Controllers are
labeled “(DORM)”. The Dorm Lock can be programmed using SofLink Plus 5 (or higher) version software or through
manual keypad instructions as follows.

• The Keypad Lock can support 2000 users. Each user is assigned a User Number in addition to the code used

for entry.

• SofLink™ Plus application software must be used with PA (no keypad) controller for programming

• The Master Code is always User “01”. The Master Code assigns the Emergency and Supervisory Codes and is

also used for programming. Users are deleted through the Master Programming Code only.

• Emergency code is a 10 second unlock time and will override a thrown deadbolt on a mortise lock

• v.G1.5 locks allow multiple Supervisory users (the *default Supervisory Code is User “02”). Additional

Supervisory users can be entered starting with User Number "03". The Supervisory Code allows temporary lock
out of selected users, changes duration of unlock time, requests infrared interrogation output, and may add
additional User Codes.

• The User Codes are entered at user number “03” or higher. User numbers do not have to be used or entered


Note: All User Codes must be followed by an asterisk ( * )

• The “Lock Out” user is location dependent - all users above the chosen user number location are locked out of

the keypad. To ensure that all users except Master, Supervisor, Emergency and Panic are locked out, program
this user at user number location “03”.

All user types (except Panic and Lockout) serve as toggle function

Initial Set-Up Procedures

The following are typical procedures to be used when setting up your Profile Series v. G1.5 lock:

• If a mistake is made during any of the procedures, depress the “*” key several times until the yellow LED goes out

• If no keystroke is made in a 30 sec. timeframe, the programming up to that point will default and you will have to

start over.

To Begin Programming

The Lock Controller is preset at the factory with Master Code “1234”
Depending on status of lock, entering 1234 * will unlock or relock the lock (Toggle Mode)

Note: The Master Code must be changed (i.e., "Forced Change") from the factory default “1234” prior to adding users.

Keypad Programming Instructions



© SARGENT Manufacturing Company 2006, 2007

For installation assistance, contact SARGENT at 800-810-WIRE (9473)