Tweco 15XC CE Merlin PAK User Manual
Page 94

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Manual 0-2529
1. Voltage selection bus bars
connected incorrectly
2. One leg of three-phase
primary connected to
chassis ground
3. Main transformer shorted
1. Shorted input diode
2. Switching transistor (Q1)
shorted to heatsink
3. Shorted input capacitor
4. Shorted diode (D11-D14)
5. Faulty voltage selection
6. Faulty main contactor (W1
or W2)
1. Unit overheated
2. Faulty thermal sensor
(TS1, TS2, or TS3)
3. Faulty logic board
4. Faulty LED/current
control board
1. RUN/SET/PURGE switch
set to PURGE, secondary
mode switch set to GAS
2. Gas pressure set too low
1. Check and correct if
2. Rewire input cable (see
Electrical Connections,
page 2-6)
3. Replace main transformer
1. See test D (page 4-29) and
replace diode if necessary
2. Replace Q1, check heat-
sink for possible damage,
perform test D (page 4-29)
3. Replace capacitor if
4. Check for proper 3-phase
power at input terminal
board, check diodes (see
test D, page 4-29)
5. If W1 and W2 come on
simultaneously replace
6. Check and replace contac-
tor if necessary
1. Clean radiator and check
for obstruction.
2. See test E (page 4-30) and
replace sensors if neces-
3. See test E (page 4-30) and
replace board if necessary
4. See test E (page 4-30) and
replace board if necessary
1. Normal operation (purges
plasma line only, secon-
dary flow switch is not
2. Adjust pressure
C. Fuse blown at disconnect
when primary power is
D. Fuse blown at disconnect
when main contactor (W1
or W2) closes
E. TEMP indicator lit (red).
F. No GAS indicator