Replacing a diaphragm (direct acting actuators) – Powers 593 Series Flowrite II Heavy Duty Bronze Globe Control Valves User Manual

Page 9

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The diaphragm can be changed with the actuator assembled or
removed from the valve. For ease of instruction pictures are shown
with actuators removed.

To change a diaphragm on a Direct Acting (DA, NO, ATC)
actuator assemble to the valve follow steps: 1-4A, 5-9.

To change a diaphragm on a Direct Acting (DA, NO, ATC)
actuator removed to the bench follow steps: 1-4A, 5-8.

To change a diaphragm of a Direct Acting (DA, NO, ATC)
actuator assemble to the valve and under preload follow steps:
1-3, 4B, 5-9.

1. Shut off controlled medium supply (steam, water, or other

liquid) and remove the control signal to the actuator.

2. Reduce preload on the springs (refer to Decreasing Preload on

DA Actuators), see pg. 7.

3. Remove the control signal from the actuator.
4A. (Fig. 1) Remove top housing nuts and bolts or (see above)
4B. (Fig. 1) Remove the three bolts attached to the short nuts, then

equally release the bolts attached to the long nuts.

CAUTION: Springs under tension.

5. Remove upper housing (Fig. 2)
6. Remove stem nut, washer and diaphragm. (Fig. 3)
7. Place new diaphragm over thrust plate. Make sure that the lip of

the diaphragm is seated properly in the groove of the actuator

8. Reassemble in reverse order.

NOTE: Assemble bolts with long nuts first.

9. Adjust preload, refer to pg. 7.

Fig 1 - Remove Housing Bolts

Fig 2 - Remove Stem Nut, and

Fig 3 - Remove Diaphragm (Leave
Thrust Plate On).