Checkout procedure – Banner Safe Speed Monitoring Modules User Manual

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1. Turn OFF power to the Module and the motor.
2. Using a small flat-blade screwdriver, pry open the Module's front plate.
3. Using the DIP switches, select switching range 300-2,700 ipm or 600-5,300 ipm, depending on model.
4. Turn the fine-tune potentiometer clockwise to 10.
5. Set the simultaneity potentiometer to the middle position (0).
6. If the sensors are not yet installed, install them so that they can detect the rotation of the motor.
7. Connect the sensors to the Module.
8. Disconnect the wires from the Module safety output contacts 13-14 and 23-24.
9. Connect power to the Module; the Motor should still be OFF.

The Module's Power LED must come ON immediately. The safety output contacts (13-14 and 23-24) and indicators should come ON
after no more than a 3-second time delay, indicating a standstill condition.

10. Start the motor and run it at the speed you want to detect as over-speed (for this example, 2,000 rpm).
11. Slowly turn the fine-tuning potentiometer counterclockwise until both N.C. safety output contacts (13-14 and 23-24) and indicators

turn OFF. (If necessary, fine-tune the channel simultaneity using the fine-tune potentiometer). This is your switch point.

12. Reduce the motor speed to normal operating speed.

Both safety output contacts and indicators must turn back ON.

13. Verify the proper setting by increasing the motor speed again above the set value.

The safety output contacts must turn OFF.

14. Wire the safety output contacts into your motor control circuit.

Checkout Procedure

CAUTION: Disconnect Power Prior to Checkout
Before performing the initial checkout procedure, make certain all power is disconnected from the
machine to be controlled.
Dangerous voltages may be present along the Safety Module wiring barriers whenever power to the ma-
chine control elements is ON. Exercise extreme caution whenever machine control power is or may
be present. Always disconnect power to the machine control elements before opening the enclo-
sure housing of the Safety Module.

Verify the functioning of the Safety Module and the device(s) connected to it at initial installation and on a regular periodic basis to ensure
proper operation (see also the machine manufacturer's recommendations).

1. Remove power from the machine primary control elements (MPCEs) and ensure the machine is in a stop (no motion) condition.
2. Apply power to the Safety Module at terminals A1 and A2 (see hookup figures).
3. Verify that the Input Power indicator, and the input channel 1 (K1) and input channel 2 (K2) indicators turn ON. This can take up to 20

seconds. (This means that the N.O. contacts 13-14 and 23-24 are closed and the N.C. 31-32 is open.) If not, disconnect the input
power and check all wiring. Do not proceed until the cause of the problem is corrected.

4. Simulate motion without exposing any individual(s) to hazards, e.g., run the motor with the clutch disengaged while monitoring the

drive shaft or gearing.

5. Verify that the input channel 1 (K1) and input channel 2 (K2) indicators turn OFF as expected (contacts 13-14 and 23-24 open, and

contacts 31-32 close). If the Safety Module does not operate (indicate) as expected, disconnect the input power and check all wiring.
After correcting the problem, return to step 2.

6. Close and secure the enclosure in which the Safety Module is mounted. Apply power to the machine primary control elements and

perform the Periodic Checkout Procedure.

SSM-FM-11A... Safe Speed Monitoring Modules

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