Banner Safe Speed Monitoring Modules User Manual
Ssm-fm-11a... safe speed monitoring modules, Indicators

For over-speed, under-speed, and zero-speed detection
The user is responsible for satisfying all local, state, and national laws, rules, codes, and regulations
relating to the use of this product and its application. Banner Engineering Corp. has made every effort to
provide complete application, installation, operation, and maintenance instructions. Please direct any ques-
tions regarding the use or installation of this product to the factory applications department at the telephone
numbers or address shown found at
The user is responsible for making sure that all machine operators, maintenance personnel, electricians,
and supervisors are thoroughly familiar with and understand all instructions regarding the installation, main-
tenance, and use of this product, and with the machinery it controls. The user and any personnel involved
with the installation and use of this product must be thoroughly familiar with all applicable standards, some
of which are listed within the specifications. Banner Engineering Corp. makes no claim regarding a specific
recommendation of any organization, the accuracy or effectiveness of any information provided, or the ap-
propriateness of the provided information for a specific application.
Detectable Speed Range *
5 to 10,500 ipm
10 to 20,000 ipm
* The unit "ipm" (impulses per minute) may be equal to actual machine rpm, or may be a multiple, depending on the number of sensing points used.
WARNING: Not a Stand-Alone Safeguarding Device
This Banner product is not a stand-alone point-of-operation guarding device, as defined by OSHA regulations. It is necessa-
ry to install point-of-operation guarding devices, such as safety light screens and/or hard guards, to protect personnel from hazardous
machinery. Failure to install point-of-operation guards on hazardous machinery can result in a dangerous condition which
could lead to serious injury or death.
Standstill / Under-speed Monitoring
Over-speed Monitoring Applica-
Figure 1. SSM-FM-11A... features and terminal locations
1. Power ON (green)
Power is applied
Power is applied
2. Safety output channel
1 ON (green) when
Standstill signal detected on Input
Channel 1
No over-speed detected on Input
Channel 1
2. Safety output channel
2 ON (green ) when
Standstill signal detected on Input
Channel 2
No over-speed detected on Input
Channel 2
SSM-FM-11A... Safe Speed Monitoring Modules
P/N 140782 rev. C
0 140782