Banner DUO-TOUCH SG Two-Hand Control Safety Modules User Manual
At-fm-10k two-hand control module, Important . . . read this before proceeding

AT-FM-10K Two-Hand Control Module
DUO-TOUCH® SG, for use with two actuating devices
Original Instructions
• Diverse-redundant microcontrollers
• Monitors two Banner STB Self-Checking Optical Touch Buttons, or two mechanical
push buttons
• Two redundant, forced-guided (mechanically linked) output contacts rated at 6 A
• Feedback input monitors external machine control elements
• 5 indicator LEDs for Power, Fault, Input 1, Input 2 and Output
• 24V ac/dc operation
• DIN-rail-mountable 22.5 mm-wide housing with removable terminal blocks
• 500 ms (max.) simultaneity requirement for touch-/push button operation
Important . . . Read This Before Proceeding!
It is the responsibility of the machine designer, controls engineer, machine builder and/or maintenance electrician to apply and maintain
this product in full compliance with all applicable regulations and standards. The product can provide the required safeguarding function
only if it is properly installed, properly operated, and properly maintained. This manual attempts to provide complete installation, opera-
tional, and maintenance instruction. Reading the manual completely is highly recommended. Please direct any questions regarding the
application or use of the product to a Banner Engineering Applications Engineer at the locations listed in this document.
WARNING: User Responsibility
The user is responsible for ensuring that all local, state, and national laws, rules, codes, and regulations
relating to the use of this device in any particular application are satisfied. Make sure that all legal require-
ments have been met and that all installation, operation, and maintenance instructions contained in the
device documentation are followed.
U.S. Application Standards
ANSI B11.0 Safety of Machinery; General Requirements and Risk Assessment
ANSI B11.19 Performance Criteria for Safeguarding
ANSI NFPA 79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
International/European Standards
ISO TR12100-1 & -2 (EN 292-1 & -2) Safety of Machinery – Basic Concepts, General Principles for Design
IEC 60204-1 Electrical Equipment of Machines Part 1: General Requirements
ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1) Safety-Related Parts of Control Systems
ISO 13855 (EN 999) The Positioning of Protective Equipment in Respect to Approach Speeds of Parts of the Human Body
ISO 13851 (EN 574) Two-Hand Control Devices – Functional Aspects – Principles for Design (also request a type "C" standard for your
specific machinery.)
AT-FM-10K Two-Hand Control Module
P/N 64137 Rev. G