Rockwell Automation AADvance Controller Demo Unit User Manual

Page 96

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Demo Unit User Manual (AADvance Controller)


Document: 553850 Issue 1.2: March 2011

Digital Output Advanced Channel Settings

Each output channel from the 9451 digital output module supports the set of control
parameters detailed in the table.

Table 18:

Digital Output Control Parameters

Description Value(s)



Shutdown State

Off, Hold Last State

None specified

'Off' de-energizes the output during
a shutdown

'Hold Last State' forces the output

to remain in its last commanded

state, during a shutdown

Disable Line Test

Yes, No

None specified

'Yes' disables reporting of the status

variable (STA) state 3; in a no-load
condition, the Channel LED will not

go amber

'No' is equivalent to the default
setting, which enables the line test

Note: (†) The option labelled 'Default' does nothing. Do not choose this option.

Disabling the Line Test for a Digital Output

The 9451 digital output module checks for a no-load condition on each output. The
AADvance Workbench refers to the check as the 'Line Test'.
A no-load condition occurs when the controller cannot detect a load connected to the

field wiring, or the load current is below 20mA when the output is commanded TRUE.
You can disable the check for a no-load condition, for example if you want to connect

a low load to an output, or if the output is unused and you do not want to fit a dummy
The module reports a no-load condition by setting the state variable (.STA)

to the value 3, and by setting the channel LED to amber. If you disable the line test,
then assuming there are no other faults present, the state variable will continue to

show 2 or 4 (depending on the commanded value) instead of 3, and the channel LED
will show off or green instead of amber.

Note: There are other scenarios (such as no field voltage) that still result in an amber
LED, even if you disable the line test.