Starting drivetools32 applications and rslinx, Starting drivetools32 applications and rslinx -4 – Rockwell Automation 9303 DRIVE TOOLS 32 VER 2.50 GETTING STARTED User Manual

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Installing and Starting DriveTools32


Follow the instructions in the Install wizard.

Important: If the RSLinx Install wizard does not appear automatically, you can
start it using Windows Explorer. Start Windows Explorer, click your CD-ROM
drive, RSLinx, and V2.1, and then double-click Setup.exe to run the RSLinx
Lite setup. Start Windows Explorer, click your CD-ROM drive, RSLinx, and
V2.1_SP1, and then double-click Setup.exe to run the service pack setup.

Applications and

The first time that you use DriveTools32, you must start RSLinx before you start
the DriveTools32 application. To start RSLinx in Windows, click Start,
Programs, Rockwell Software, RSLinx, and then RSLinx.

To start a DriveTools32 application, click Start, Programs, DriveTools32 and
then the DriveTools32 application (e.g., DriveManager32).

Important: If you have enabled the security system, the default user name is
ADMIN, and the default password is PASS. The default administrator keyword
is KEY. For instructions on changing user names and passwords, refer to the
DriveManager32 online help.

Important: When you start a DriveTools32 application, RSLinx automatically
starts with it. If you reconfigure a driver, you must close the DriveTools32
application and then restart it.


Service Pack 1