Hardware, Hardware -2, Required hardware – Rockwell Automation 9303 DRIVE TOOLS 32 VER 2.50 GETTING STARTED User Manual

Page 116: Setting up the hardware

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Using a Modem Connection


Required Hardware

The following hardware is required for a modem connection:

Setting Up the Hardware

To use DriveTools32 with this type of communications, you must:

Ensure that the drive and adapter are properly installed and powered.

Ensure that cables are securely connected and protected from damage.

Ensure that your serial communications module settings are correct. In most
cases, you should use the factory-set defaults. If you decide to change the
default settings, note the new settings because you need to know them when
you configure RSLinx and DriveTools32. Refer to the appropriate manuals.

Important: If you are using a 1203-GD2 serial communications module, its
firmware must be release 2.04 or higher. If you use an earlier version, all
parameters may not be shown.

Ensure that the modem is set up and configured correctly. We recommend
using the 1747-CH0RAD. Information about setting it up and configuring it
can be found in the Remote Access Tutorial CD-ROM. If you use this
modem, ensure that it is set to use the “DTR is forced” setting at all times.
Also, the following commands must be sent to the remote modems:



Required Hardware
for the SCANport product

Required Hardware
for the Computer


SCANport Adapter (1203-SSS, 1203-
GD2, 1203-GK2, 1336-GM2, 1203-CN1,
or 1203-GU6), appropriate cable(s), null
modem converter (1203-SNM), and

RS-232 port and modem

160 Drive

160-RS1 Serial Adapter, appropriate
cable(s), null modem converter (1203-
SNM), and modem

RS-232 port and modem

For a list of SCANport-compatible products, refer to Appendix A, Products Supported by DriveTools32.

We recommend using the 1747-CH0RAD modem kit. Use other modems at your own risk.