Extended descriptor attributes – Rockwell Automation 20G PowerFlex 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication 750COM-UM001E-EN-P - October 2013

Appendix C

EtherNet/IP Objects

Extended Descriptor Attributes





Indirect Mode

0 = Analog (selects entire parameters)
1 = Digital (selects individual bits within parameters)


Indirect Type 0

Analog input list (Instance 0xFFFF)


Indirect Type 1

Digital input list (Instance 0xFFFE)


Indirect Type 2

Feedback list (Instance 0xFFFD)


Indirect Type 3

Analog output list (Instance 0xFFFC)


Indirect Type 4

Digital output list (Instance 0xFFFB)


Indirect Type 5

Undefined (Instance 0xFFFA)


Indirect Type 6

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF9)


Indirect Type 7

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF8)


Indirect Type 8

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF7)


Indirect Type 9

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF6)


Indirect Type 10

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF5)


Indirect Type 11

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF4)


Indirect Type 12

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF3)


Indirect Type 13

Undefined (Instance 0xFFF2)


Indirect Type 14

Parameter-specific list


FP Max Decimals Bit 0

These four bits are used on REAL parameters only. They indicate the maximum number of decimal places to be
displayed for small values. A value of 0 indicates to not limit the number of decimal places used.


FP Max Decimals Bit 1


FP Max Decimals Bit 2


FP Max Decimals Bit 1


Extended Parameter Reference 0 = Not an Extended Parameter Reference

1 = Extended Parameter Reference
An Extended Parameter Reference contains a reference to another parameter. The value is formatted the same as
an analog mode Indirect Selector parameter (SSpppp, where SS = slot number of device to which this Extended
Parameter Reference is pointing, and pppp = number of the parameter or diagnostic item to which this Extended
Parameter Reference is pointing). Note that an Extended Parameter Reference can only select parameters unlike
an Indirect Selector. An Extended Parameter Reference could be used to configure a Datalink or show the source of
a Reference (among other uses).


Uses Rating Table Object

This parameter has rating-dependent defaults and limits that can be obtained from the Rating Table Object. The
Offline Read Full will include the default value for the smallest rating and limits that will accommodate the full
range of values allowed in the family of devices using this particular combination of Family Code and Config Code.
The Online Read Full will include the rating-dependent default and limit values for this particular combination of
Family Code, Config Code, and Rating Code.


Writable Referenced

This bit must be zero unless the parameter is an Extended Parameter Reference. If the parameter is an Extended
Parameter Reference, then:

0 = The referenced parameter may be read-only or writable.
1 = The referenced parameter must always be writable (including while running).


Disallow Zero

This bit must be zero unless the parameter is an Indirect Selector or Extended Parameter Reference. If the
parameter is an Indirect Selector or Extended Parameter Reference, then:

0 = Allow zero
1 = Disallow zero

If this bit is cleared (indicating that a value of zero is allowed), the device must support the ‘Zero Text’ parameter
attribute so that a software tool or HIM can obtain text from the Zero Text parameter attribute.
If this bit is set (indicating that a value of zero is disallowed), a software tool or HIM will not allow the user to enter
a value of zero.


Datalink Out

This bit is used by offline tools and indicates that this is a Datalink Out parameter. Bit 20 must also be set.


Datalink In

This bit is used by offline tools and indicates that this is a Datalink In parameter. Bits 20 and 22 must also be set.


Not Writable While IO Active

This parameter cannot be written if the I/O data being exchanged between the Host and the peripheral is valid.


Command Parameter

This parameter commands the drive to take an action, such as ‘Reset Defaults’ or ‘Autotune’, and then returns to a
value of zero. Offline software tools will not allow setting this parameter to anything other than a value of zero. If
an offline file contains a Command Parameter with a non-zero value, the offline software tool will change the
value to zero. Note that command parameters cannot have values that do not return to zero.