Rockwell Automation 20B PowerFlex 700 Installation Instructions - Frames 0…6 User Manual

Page 63

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Rockwell Automation Publication 20B-IN019E-EN-P - July 2013


PowerFlex 700 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive – Frames 0…6


Apply AC power and control voltages to the drive.

If any of the six digital inputs are configured to “Stop – CF”
(CF = Clear Fault) or “Enable,” verify that signals are present or
reconfigure [Digital Inx Sel], parameters 361…366. If an I/O option is not
installed (i.e. no I/O terminal block), verify that [Digital Inx Sel] is not
configured to “Stop – CF” or “Enable.” If this is not done, the drive does
not start. Refer to

Abbreviated Fault Listing


page 72

for a list of

potential digital input conflicts.

If the STS LED is not flashing green at this point, refer to

Drive Status



page 70



When prompted, select a display language. The PowerFlex 700 Start-Up
Screen displays.


Press the Enter key to display the Start-Up Menu.


Use the Arrow keys to highlight “2. Basic”.


Press the Enter key. Follow the menu by using the Enter key to step you
through the Start-Up routine.

The Basic Start-Up routine asks simple questions and prompts you to
input required information. See also

Common I/O Programming



page 71


Information About Start-Up Motor Tests

Control schemes vary based on the Start/Jog Source selected in Step 3. Motor

During motor tests and tuning procedures, the drive can modify certain
parameter values for proper Start Up operation. These values are then reset to
their original values when Start Up is complete. The affected parameters are: 053,
080, 276, 278 and 361…366. If power is removed from the drive during the tests
without aborting the auto-tune procedure, these parameters can not reset to their
original value. If this situation occurs, reset the drive to factory defaults (see

page 71

) and repeat the Start Up procedure.


When power is first applied, the HIM can require approximately 5
seconds until commands are recognized (including the Stop key). An
explanation of the LED indicators can be found on page 75.

Start/Jog Source

Control Source Description

Digital Inputs

Digital In 1 = Stop / Digital In 2 = Start / Digital In 3 = Jog

Local Human Interface Module
(HIM)–Port 1

Human Interface Module (HIM) connected to DPI Port 1 controls Stop / Start / Jog
Digital In 1…6 are temporarily disabled during motor tests.

Remote HIM

Human Interface Module (HIM) connected to DPI Port 2 controls Stop / Start / Jog
Digital In 1…6 are temporarily disabled during motor tests.