Finishing panels – USG Manufactured Housing Handbook User Manual
Page 11

Permit to soak for the time indi-
cated on the product package.
Remix thoroughly to an even con-
The amount of finishing work
required depends on the skill of the
applicator and the desired appear-
ance of the final unit. Textured sur-
faces typically require fewer joint
treatment coats. Smooth drywall fin-
ish requires more steps, higher
applicator skills, and special primers.
It is also important that you under-
stand the differences among the
three main types of joints you will be
treating. Corners, also called angles,
are easy to identify. These are the
joints that occur where two panels
meet at an angle, as in the corner of
a room. Joints that occur where two
panels meet in the same plane are
known as flats. There are two kinds
of flats: tapered joints and butt joints.
Tapered joints occur where the fin-
ished edges of two boards meet. The
tapers pressed into the boards pro-
vide a depression so that the tape
and joint compound won’t create a
bump—known as a crown—above
the surface of the board.
Finishing Panels
Butt joints occur where the cut
edges of two panels butt together.
Because there are no tapers at butt
joints, the tape and compound will
automatically lie on top of the sur-
face of the board. This means that
butt joints are always naturally
crowned, and will require a slightly
different finishing procedure.
We recommend using a fiberglass
mesh tape, such as T
, for fin-
ishing flat, tapered joints, and a paper
tape, such as S
Brand Joint
Tape, for butt joints and corners.
12 First Coat, Flat Joints
Fiberglass Mesh Tape (such as
MH Brand Joint Tape—
Apply tape centered over the
joints and press in place using a
Љ joint knife.Apply S
Brand Setting-Type Joint
Compound over the tape using
sufficient pressure to force the
compound through the tape into
firm contact with the gypsum
Paper Tape (such as S
Brand Joint Tape)
Start with butt joints. Apply an
even, thin coat of
joint compound for the length of
the joint with a 6
Љ finishing knife.
Center and lightly press tape into
wet joint compound with fingers.
Draw 6
Љ knife firmly along joint to
tightly embed tape. Be sure there
is sufficient joint compound under
tape to prevent blistering of the
While embedding the tape,
remove excess joint compound
from edge and apply as a thin
coat over the tape.
To finish tapered joints, follow
same procedure. Tape should
overlap tape applied to butt joints.