USG Ceiling System User Manual
Planning and installation guide, Ceiling system, Usg ceilings

Planning and
Tools and Materials Needed
⅜ Crosscut hand saw
or finishing saw
⅜ Coping saw
⅜ Straightedge
⅜ Carpenter’s square
⅜ Tape measure
⅜ Chalk line
⅜ Utility knife
⅜ Staple gun—trigger
⅜ Staple—9/16Љ leg
⅜ Ceiling tile adhesive
⅜ Putty knife
⅜ Paint brush
⅜ Hammer and 8d
coated box nails
USG Ceilings
Choose the Right
USG CEILINGS tiles are easy to install. The 12
Љ x 12Љ tiles feature exclusive, self-aligning tongue-and-groove edges, giving the installed
Installation Method
ceiling a finished appearance. For most applications, tiles are stapled to 1
Љ x 3Љ furring strips that are attached to the ceiling or
to joists.
If you have:
Painted ceilings
—If paint and ceiling are in good condition, USG CEILINGS tiles can be adhered to the paint after roughening the surface with
sandpaper. Use any good-quality ceiling tile adhesive and follow manufacturer’s recommendations. If paint is peeling, furring strips
should be installed before tile application.
Cracked ceiling surface
—If cracks are minor, follow directions for painted ceilings. If cracks are bad, nail furring strips to joists, then staple
or nail ceiling tile to strips.
Open joists
—Attach furring strips to exposed joists, then staple or nail ceiling tile to strips.
Old wallpaper
—Remove paper carefully and adhere tile to old ceiling. If paper and ceiling are not sound, nail furring strips through ceiling
surface into the joists, then apply tiles.
New ceilings
—Clean surface carefully to remove dirt and dust, then apply USG CEILINGS tiles with adhesive.
Planning a
1 Draw the room to scale
—Use the graph sheet printed below. Choose a convenient scale, like one square equals one foot. For large spaces,
staple-up ceiling
use one square for every four feet. Measure around all walls at ceiling level, including any irregular areas like bays, alcoves, columns,
beams and stairwells. Note each dimension on the drawing.
2 Locate room centerlines on the ceiling plan
—Draw centerlines and determine distance from each centerline to the wall.
3 Adjust centerlines as necessary to eliminate narrow borders
—The wider the border tiles, the better the ceiling appearance. For example,
for a 12
Ј6Љ x 18Ј6Љ ceiling, counting tiles from the exact center of the room in both directions would result in 12 rows of tile in one direction
and 18 in the other, with narrow, 3
Љ borders. By moving both centerlines 6Љ, you can create wider, more attractive borders. There are now 11
tile rows in one direction and 17 in the other, with 9
Љ wide borders.
1 Ceiling tile
—Count the full-size tiles in the layout. Also determine how many extra whole tiles will be needed to meet partial or perimeter
2 1
Љx3Љ furring strips
—Furring strips should run perpendicular to ceiling joists. The first strip should be flush against the wall. The second
strip should be at a distance equal to the border tile plus 3/8
Љ. Furring strips then continue across the ceiling at 12Љ o.c. Draw the furring
strips on the graph and count how many you need.
Important: Use only seasoned kiln-dried softwood to avoid warping. Store in installation area for 24 hours before nailing.