USG Metal Ceiling Panels Celebration, Geometrix, Panz, and Paraline User Manual
Metal ceiling panels, Celebration, Geometrix

Metal ceiling panels create contemporary spaces with unique visual impact in retail, hospitality, office, education
and entertainment environments. These ceilings consist of pre-formed metal infill panels and a corresponding
brand suspension system.
Proper preparation and cleaning can help to maintain the panels’ original appearance. Before installation, remove
any dirt and debris from the surrounding area.
Metal panels, especially those with the Anodized Aluminum finish, may arrive at the job site with a protective
PVC film applied to the surface. This film should be removed prior to panel installation; simply peel up at one
corner and pull away from the panel face. Do not leave film attached to panels for more than 90 days as it will
become increasingly difficult to remove.
Wipe panels with a clean, soft cloth to remove dust. For more difficult residue, wash panels with a mild soap or
detergent (see Compatible Cleaners below) and lukewarm water, using a clean sponge or soft cloth. Rinse well
with clean water. Dry thoroughly with a chamois or moist cellulose sponge to prevent water spots. Do not scrub
or use brushes.
To remove fresh paint splashes, grease or smeared glazing compounds, rub panels lightly with VM&P naphtha or
isopropyl alcohol. Wash with warm water and a mild soap or detergent solution. Rinse thoroughly with clean water
and dry.
Use care when cleaning perforated panels with an acoustical backer laminated to the back surface.
This backer must not be immersed in or saturated with water.
Compatible Cleaners
Harsh solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) or muriatic acid can cause surface degradation and crazing.
Use only the following mild cleaning agents:
– J
dishwashing detergent
– P
dishwashing liquid
– W
glass cleaner
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations when using these products.
Do not
use abrasive or highly alkaline cleaners.
Do not
scrape panels with squeegees, razor blades or other sharp instruments.
Do not
use benzene, gasoline, acetone, carbon tetrachloride or butyl cellosolve.
Metal Ceiling Panels
, Geometrix
, Panz
, and Paraline