USG DONN Suspended Ceiling User Manual
Installation guide: suspended ceiling

Planning the Job
Use graph paper; choose a convenient scale, such as one square
per two feet. Measure the length of each wall at ceiling level.
Tools and Materials
– Lag Screws to attach
wire hangers to wood
joists every 4 ft. o.c.
– 18-gauge steel wire
(residential instal-
lation) or 12-gauge
steel wire (commer-
cial installation)
– Screws to attach wall
– Metal snips to cut
tees and wall angles
– Chalk line
– Level
– Pliers
– Utility knife
– Safety glasses
Typical Installation
Tee Patterns
2 x 4 grid layout
2 x 4 Tee Layout
2 x 2 Tee Layout
For 2 x 2 ceiling panels. Additional 2 cross tees
(dotted lines) are installed parallel to the main tees,
2 o.c.
Installation Guide:
Suspended Ceiling
For 2 x 4 ceiling panels. Full-length main tees
(bold lines) are spaced 4 on center (o.c.), as
measured from the center of one tee to the
center of the next, with 4 cross tees installed
perpendicular, 2 o.c.
1 Draw the room to scale.
Include any irregular areas like bays, alcoves,
columns, beams and stairwells. Note each
dimension on the drawing. Mark locations of
light fixtures and air diffusers.
2 Draw a centerline between the midpoint
of two parallel walls.
If ceiling joists are visible, draw the centerline
perpendicular to the joists.
3 Locate main tees.
The centerline represents the main tee that will
span the middle of the room. For the additional
main tees, mark each 4 interval between the
centerline and each parallel wall.
4 Locate cross tees.
Position cross tees perpendicular to the main
tees, 2 o.c. For a 2 x 2 grid pattern, position
additional cross tees 2 o.c. between and parallel
to the main tees.
Add 5% to each figure to allow for errors (round up to the next whole number).
Bill of Materials
Enter this information in the “Bill of Materials” at right.
1 Wall angles
Room perimeter 3 12
= ___________ `5% = __________
2 D
brand main tees
Total length of main tees 3 12 = ___________ `5% = __________
3 D
brand cross tees
Count the number of cross tees
drawn on your layout.
___________ `5% = __________
4 D
brand hanger wire
Total length of main tees 3 4 = ___________ `5% = __________
1 Wall angles
__________ ft., or __________ 12 lengths @ $ _______________
2 D
main tees
__________ ft., or __________ 12 lengths @ $ _______________
3 D
cross tees (2)
___________ @ $ _______________
cross tees (4)
___________ @ $ _______________
4 D
hanger wire
___________ @ $ _______________