USG Domed Ceilings and Barrel Vaults User Manual
Domed ceilings and barrel vaults, Usg drywall suspension system, Installation instructions

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Domed Ceilings and
Barrel Vaults
USG Drywall Suspension System
These installation instructions are divided into two parts:
Part 1
applies to domed ceilings, and
Part 2
to vaulted ceilings.
For installation instructions for vaulted ceilings with domed ends, follow Part I for
domed ceilings to build the ends first.
To ensure proper installation, read all instructions before you begin. Check the enclosed Bill of Materials to
be sure that all parts and equipment are present and undamaged.
Parts will be permanently damaged if
installed incorrectly.
To generate a set of construction specifications on-line, go to > Resources > Online Tools
Construction specifications (supplied separately)
Bill of materials (BOM)
Custom curved tees
DGHUB Dome hub (if specified on BOM)
DGSP180 Main tee splice plates (if specified on BOM)
DGLW Cross tees (if specified on BOM)
DGWC24 Wall attachment clips (if specified on BOM)
Hanger wire
Self-drilling screws
In addition to standard
16 to 32 spring clamps
Locking “C” clamp
grid installation tools,
you should have:
Technical Service 800 USG.4YOU
Samples, Literature 888 874.2450
Customer Service 800 950.3839
12-ga. galvanized steel wire in
straight lengths
#2 Philips round washer-
head or similar