USG Firecode Compound User Manual
Brand compound, Irecode

Maintain minimum surface, mix and air temperature of 50° F (10° C) within the building during and after
installation. Clean substrate of dirt, dust, grease, oil, efflorescence, loose material and other matter.
Trowel Application
Mix F
Brand Compound according to directions on package. Using a trowel, putty knife or spatula, scoop
the compound from its container and work it into the penetration opening. Apply compound to minimum 1/2" or
1" thickness (per system specifications) on top of safing insulation. Ensure that compound is in contact with all
surfaces and that entire opening is filled with safing (if required for system applications) and compound.
Spray Application—
Brand Compound Powder
. Use drinkable water and clean mixing equipment. Mix 8.5 to 9.0 pints water
per 15 lbs. of F
Brand Compound. Mix powder thoroughly into water until powder is completely wet.
Mix until smooth. Let initial mix soak approximately one minute. Remix approximately one minute, adding water
necessary to achieve desired working consistency.
Do not retemper the powder. Hardening cannot be prevented or delayed by dilution with water. Do not
intermix previously mixed or sprayed material into freshly mixed material. Intermixing will accelerate the
chemical setting of F
Brand Compound, causing short working time, resulting in substandard bond
and unsatisfactory surface matrix harness. Do not intermix with other types of compound. Store bags in a dry
place. If moisture damage occurs, do not use any set lumps of material.
Spray Application—
Roto/stator (Moyno pump) or peristaltic pump may be used. Use minimum length material hose with minimal line
Spray Equipment
splices to reduce clogging. Product will be tank stable for one hour of spraying time. Prime pump and hose with
water prior to spray application. Clean equipment thoroughly between and after applications. Use plaster system
scouring sponges to prevent buildup inside hoses.
Rotor/stator (Moyno pump)
. Use Robbins-Myers 2L4 pump or similar equipment as minimum pump size, with
pole gun with 1/4" to 3/8" round orifice. Use 3/4" to 1" i.d. material hose, 3/8" atomizing hose and 1/2" air line
from the compressor to the pump.
Peristaltic pump
. Use pump with minimum 1" i.d. internal pumping and material hose. Use pole gun with 1/4" to
3/8" round orifice. Use minimum 1" i.d. material hose, 3/8" atomizing hose and 1/2" air line from the compressor
to the pump.
Spray application rate of F
Brand Compound is approximately 2 gal. (462 cu. in.) per min. Typical spray
patterns are between 1'-2' using 20-30 psi air pressure. The spray gun should be held as close to the penetration
being filled as possible to reduce overspray and waste, typically 1'-2'. Avoid excessive air pressure. Material may
be applied up to a 1" finished thickness in a single coat; however, best results are achieved by building up to the
finished thickness in 1/2" coats. F
Brand Compound will stiffen approximately 15 min. after spray
application, allowing for quick recoating or hand tooling. Set time of the sprayed material will be approximately
30% less than for the unpumped material.
Do not recycle material that has been pumped (such as wipedown or initial flushes of material). The pumping
process accelerates set. If recycled material is mixed with fresh product, the material will set faster than normal
and will set up in the equipment. The practice of recycling sprayed material will result in bond failure and
unsatisfactory surface matrix hardness.
Do not let material sit in the hose for longer than 20 min. If longer breaks are needed, flush out the hose with
water and then restart.
Application Tips
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