USG DONN Ceiling User Manual
Retail installation and maintenance instructions

Retail Installation and
Maintenance Instructions
Installation and Maintenance
Installing USG Ceilings
panels isn’t difficult, but it is different from
many other projects. You can avoid a lot of complications later by
spending a few minutes now with this planning and installation guide.
Read these instructions all the way through before you start, paying
particular attention to the helpful hints in the “Other Tips” section.
L’installation d’un plafond USG Ceilings
n’a rien de difficile, mais c’est un type de projet
particulier. On évitera beaucoup de problèmes ultérieurs en passant maintenant quelques minutes
à étudier ce guide de planification et d’installation. Lire attentivement les instructions, jusqu’au
bout, avant de commencer, en prêtant particulièrement attention à la section « Conseils utiles ».
La instalación de los paneles de USG Ceilings
no es difícil, pero es diferente a la de otros
muchos pro yectos. Ud. podrá evitarse muchas complica ciones más tarde si emplea unos pocos
minutos ahora con esta guía de plani ficación e instalación. Lea todas las instrucciones antes
de comenzar, poniendo especial atención a las útiles suge rencias que encontrará en la sección
“Otros consejos”.
The following procedures should be followed to insure continued high performance and attractive
appearance when maintenance of USG Ceilings systems is needed.
Dust and loose dirt may easily be removed by brushing or with a vacuum cleaner� Vacuum cleaner attachments
such as those designed for cleaning upholstery or walls do the best job� Be certain to clean in one direction only�
This will prevent rubbing dust into the surface of ceiling�
After loose dust has been removed, pencil marks, smudges, or clinging dirt may easily be erased with an ordinary
gum eraser� However, a good grade wall cleaner may be preferred� Be certain to use fresh cleaner�
USG mineral fiber ceilings may be cleaned with a moist cloth or a sponge dampened in water containing mild
soap� The sponge should contain as little water as possible� After washing, the soapy film should be wiped off
with a cloth or sponge slightly dampened in clean water�
Vinyl-faced fiberglass ceilings are less affected by moisture and will withstand repeated washings with mild
detergents or germicidal cleaners�
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