Lenze DDS Function library IOSystem User Manual
Lenze Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Function library "LenzeIOSystem.lib"
- This function library can be used for ...
- Contents
- 1 Preface and general information
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Application examples
- 4 Function blocks for parameterisation
- 4.1 L_IOParComGuarding - Monitoring function
- 4.2 L_IOParAlnModule - Parameterisation function
- 4.3 L_IOParAOutModule - Parameterisation function
- 4.4 L_IOParAlAOModule - Parameterisation function
- 4.5 L_IOParSSIModule - Parameterisation function
- 4.6 L_IOParCounterModule - Counter function
- 4.7 L_IOParCounterDIModule - Counter function
- 4.8 L_IOParPDO15 - Parameterisation function
- 4.9 L_IOParPDO610 - Parameterisation function
- 4.10 L_IOParCompactModule - Parameterisation function
- 5 Function blocks for process data processing
- 5.1 L_IOData15 - Coordinate data
- 5.2 L_IOData610 - Coordinate data
- 5.3 L_IOCompactModule - Coordinate data
- 5.4 L_IOCounterDataToIO - Counter function
- 5.5 L_IOCounterDataFromIO - Counter function
- 5.6 L_IOCounterDIModuleDataToIO - Counter function
- 5.7 L_IOCounterDIModuleDataFromIO - Counter function
- 5.8 L_IOSSIDataToIO - Counter function
- 5.9 L_IOSSIDataFromIO - Counter function
- 5.10 L_IOConvByteToByteArray - Conversion function
- 5.11 L_IOConvByteArrayToByte - Conversion function
- 5.12 L_IODInModule - Bit conversion
- 5.13 L_IODOutModule - Bit conversion
- 5.14 L_IOAInModule - Signal conversion
- 5.15 L_IOAOutModule - Signal conversion
- 6 Appendix
- 7 Index