8599-5.1 (eqp_safety), Safety manual eagle quantum premier, Sil 2 rated fire & gas system – Det-Tronics EQP Fire and Gas Detection/Releasing System SAFETY MANUAL User Manual
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Where a definition of the term or abbreviation
is given in IeC 61508-4 “Definitions and
Abbreviations”, the definition from the standard is
given first in quotation marks, followed by further
explanation if this is necessary.
This Safety Manual describes the actions that must be
taken to use the Det-Tronics Eagle Quantum Premier
(EQP) Safety System in safety-related applications.
The actions that are described can be either technical
or procedural. For example, a procedural action
would be the need to maintain password protection
of configuration programs, so that non-approved staff
cannot modify these.
This document is limited to those actions that are
required to ensure compliance with the relevant safety
certifications and standards. Other documents such
as Manuals and Data Sheets must be referred to for
information outside the scope of this document. These
documents can be found on the Det-Tronics website
The Safety Manual is approved and certified by exida
as part of the overall EQP Safety System. Satisfying the
requirements it describes is a necessary part of using
the EQP Safety System in safety-related applications.
Failure to complete the actions described in this
document would contravene the certification
Completing the actions described in this document will
only satisfy some of the requirements defined by IEC
61508 for safety-related applications.
It will be necessary to satisfy the full requirements
of IEC 61508, and for Process Industry applications,
the requirements of IEC 61511, in order to use the
Det-Tronics EQP Safety System in safety-related
Further, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure
that the EQP Safety System is suitable for the chosen
application and complies with the appropriate
application standards.
All quality assurance control measures necessary for
safety management as specified in IEC 61508 Part
1 have been implemented. The quality management
system of Det-Tronics is based on the requirements
of EN ISO 9001 and ANSI/ASQC Q9001 through the
application of the United Technologies Company
Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) program. In
addition, the Quality Management System complies
with the European ATEX Directive requirements per EN
13980, the International Electrotechnical Commission
requirements per OD005/V2, and the supervised testing
requirements per ISO 17025.
The Det-Tronics EQP Safety System is intended for use
as part of a programmable electronic system as defined
by IEC 61508. It is suitable for low demand safety
functions up to safety integrity level 2 (SIL 2).
The safety critical functions for the EQP Safety System
include the following:
– Fire input from X3301 and/or EDIO and/or AIM
– Gas alarm from PIRECL and/or EDIO and/or AIM
– Annunciation/Release from EDIO
– System logic for processing and mapping inputs and
Eagle Quantum Premier
SIL 2 Rated Fire & Gas System
Detector Electronics Corporation 2013
Rev: 3/13