Det-Tronics OPECL Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector User Manual

Page 40

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open pATH eClipse HART menu sTRuCTuRe
This section displays the menu trees for the Open Path Eclipse. The Menu tree shows the primary commands

and options available when using menu selections.

OPGD RX Root Menu

1) Process Menu

2) Status Menu

3) Setup Menu

4) Calibration Menu

5) Test Menu

Process Menu

1) Gas Name

2) PV. Digital Value

3) PV. Analog Value

4) PV. Upper Range Value

General Info Menu

1) Mfg.

2) Device Type (Model)

3) Final Assy Number

4) Device ID

5) Tag

6) Date

7) Descriptor

8) Message

RTC Menu

1) Seconds

2) Minutes

3) Hours

4) Date

5) Month

6) Day

7) Year

8) Write Protect

Alignment Status Menu
1) Quad X*

2) Quad Y*

3) Reference

Coefficient Menu

1) Coefficient A

2) Coefficient B

3) Coefficient C

4) Coefficient D

5) Coefficient E

Fault Status Menu

1) Current Op Mode 1

2) Current Op Mode 2

2) Fault 1

3) Fault 2

4) Status 1

5) Status 2

Alignment Menu

1) Quad X*

2) Quad Y*

3) Reference

4) Enable Alignment

5) Disable Alignment

Debug Menu

1) Blocked Optics Cnt

2) Rcv Flash IRQ Cnt

3) Ext Cnt IRQ Cnt

4) Current SS Cnt

5) Current GP Cnt

6) LoopBack Err Cnt

7) Low 24v

8) 24v ADC

9) Flash Cnt

10) Flash Cnt x 10K

11) Quad Threshold*

12) Gas Threshold

13) Fix Quad Gain*

14) Fix Gas Gain**

Diag / Test Menu

1) Self Test

2) Response Test

3) Reset

4) Loop Test

5) Debug Menu

6) Alignment Menu

Calibration Menu

1) Gas Type

2) Cal Date

3) User Span Cal Delta

4) Zero Calibration Method

Alarm Menu

1) High Alarm Level

2) High Alarm Latch

3) Low Alarm Level

4) Low Alarm Latch

RTC Menu

1) RTC Menu

Setup Menu

1) OPGD Option Menu

2) Hart Output Menu

3) Com - 485 Menu

4) Config Flt Output Menu

5) Gas Type Menu

6) Range Menu

7) Alarm Menu

8) D/A Trim Method

9) RTC Menu

Write Protect Menu

1) Password

2) Set Write Protect

3) Write Protect Bit

Hart Output Menu

1) Write Protect Menu

2) Poll Address

3) # Required Preams

4) Tag

5) Date

6) Descriptor

7) Message

OPGD Option Menu

1) PV.Digital Units

2) Blocked Optics Timer

3) Heater Control

4) Distance

5) AZT Level*

6) AZT Zero Drift Limit*

7) AZT Con Suppress*

8) Assembly Number

Protocol Menu

1) Modbus


Config Fault Output Menu

1) Analog Fault Codes

2) Analog Code Values

Baud Rate Menu

1) 1200

2) 2400

3) 4800

4) 9600

5) 19.2K

Analog Fault Code Menu

1) OPGD-Rx

2) PIR-9400

3) User Defined







Parity Menu

1) None

2) Even

3) Odd

Gas Type Menu

1) Special

2) Methane

3) Ethane

4) Propane

5) Methane

6) Propylene

7) Butane

8) Spare 6

9) Spare 7

10) Spare 8

Com - 485 Menu

1) Protocol Menu

2) Poll Address

3) Baud Rate Menu

4) Parity Menu

Device Info Menu

1) Universal Rev.

2) Field Device Rev.

3) Software Rev.

4) Write Protect

5) RTC Menu

6) Alignment Status Menu

Sensor Info Menu

1) Active

2) Reference

3) Ratio

4) Gas Gain

5) Absorption

6) Span Factor

7) Sensor Temp

8) Coefficient Menu

History Menu

1) Running Hours

2) Max Temp

3) Min Temp

4) Cal Log

5) Event Log

Analog Code Value Menu

1) Warmup

2) Blocked Optics

3) Calibration

4) General Fault

Status Menu

1) General Info Menu

2) Device Info Menu

3) Sensor Info Menu

4) Fault Status Menu

5) History Menu

*Parameters not used at this time.

**Consult factory before using this function.


Refer to “Alarm Relays”

in the Specifications section

of this manual for important

information regarding alarm relays.