Operation overview – Det-Tronics OPECL Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector User Manual
Page 4

opERation ovERviEw
The OPECL transmitter module illuminates a direct
linear path ending at the OPECL receiver module. As
flammable hydrocarbon gases intersect the light beam
between the two modules, certain IR wavelengths are
absorbed by the gas, while other IR wavelengths are
not. The amount of IR absorption is determined by
the concentration of the hydrocarbon gas. A pair of
optical detectors and associated electronics located
in the receiver module measure the absorption. The
change in intensity of the absorbed light (active
signal) is measured relative to the intensity of light at
a non-absorbed wavelength (reference signal). The
microprocessor computes the gas concentration and
converts the value into a 4 to 20 milliampere current
output signal (digital signal for EQP model), which is
then communicated to external control and annunciation
systems. No filter wheel motors or other moving parts
are utilized in either module.
The output signal is a 4-20 mA signal (digital signal for
EQP model), which corresponds to 0-5 LFL-meters. To
better understand the concept of LFL-meters, refer to
Figure 1, which shows how three gas clouds of different
size and concentration would produce the same output
of 1 LFL-meter by the open path gas detection system.
The system must be configured for less than
60% of the full scale measuring range, with
consideration to the accepted gas cloud size and
OPECL is capable of detecting most hydrocarbon
gases and vapors including methane, ethane, propane,
butane, and propylene. Gas type and other operational
parameters are selected via digital communications.
The factory calibrated setting is methane.
A 4 to 20 mA current loop corresponding to 0 to 5
LFL-meters is provided for connection to analog input
devices such as gas controllers, logic controllers, or
distributed control systems (DCS). To convert the mA
reading to LFL-meters, use the following formula:
mA Reading –4
X 5 = LFL-Meters
The EQP system displays the gas concentration in
The Model OPECL can be furnished with a factory
installed relay output board that provides two
programmable alarm relay outputs and one fault
relay output. All relays are sealed and provide
form C (NO/NC) contacts. The high and low alarm
relays are programmable and can be set for latching
or non-latching operation. When the high alarm
relay is configured for non-latching operation,
the detector must be connected to an auxiliary
system that provides the latching function
. The low
alarm cannot be set above the high alarm threshold.
Alarm configuration can be done with the HART or
MODBUS interface. The onboard multi-color LED
indicates a LOW alarm condition via a flashing red
color, and a HIGH alarm condition via a steady red
color. The OPECL internal magnetic switch or HART
Field Communicator can be used to reset latched
alarms. A short-duration magnetic switch activation
of 1 second will reset latched alarms. Holding the
magnetic switch closed for 2 seconds will start the
calibration sequence. The external calibration line will
not reset latched alarm relays.
Alarm levels for the EQP model can be set using S
configuration software.
When the optional relay output board is installed, the
OPECL receiver is certified for EEx d operation.
Refer to “Alarm Relays” in the Specifications section
of this manual for important information regarding
alarm relays.
1M @ 100% LFL
2M @ 50% LFL
10M @ 10% LFL
Figure 1—Detector Response to Three Gas Clouds of Different Size
and Concentration