Dakota Ultrasonics MVX User Manual
Page 59

MVX High Performance Thickness Gauge
9) Finally, press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen and begin
taking readings.
Starting delay
The starting DELAY, or starting depth, is the value displayed on the bottom lower left
side of the display in both RF and RECT (Rectified) views. The DELAY will also be
represented in both the BSCAN and DIGITS (Scan Bar) views, as the starting
thickness depth. The starting depth is the minimum thickness value that can be
viewed on the display. In DIGITS view, the delay will only affect the starting depth of
the Scan Bar.
Note: Once the range is set, it will remain the same for all the views respectively.
The procedures to adjust the Delay are outlined below:
Adjusting the Delay using the Hot Menus
1) Press the MEAS key once to activate measure menu items. Press the
MEAS key multiple times to move right and the ESC key multiple times to
move left, until the DELAY cell is highlighted.
2) Press the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the highlighted
3) Alternatively , press the ENTER key to display the Digits Edit Box.