Dakota Ultrasonics MVX User Manual
Page 19

MVX High Performance Thickness Gauge
Flaw Mode: Activates the flaw detection mode and view. This feature is for use with
single element angle beam transducers and used as a general prove-up flaw
inspection mode. Refer to page 107 for a further explanation.
3.3 CAL – Menu
Units: Toggle between English or Metric units. The readout will change from inches
to millimeters.
Velocity: Function to calibrate the MVX by setting the velocity to a known material
velocity. Refer to page 37 for further info.
One Point: Performs a single point calibration. This option allows the user to
automatically calculate the velocity by entering a known sample thickness. Refer to
page 39 for further info.
Two Point: Performs a two -point calibration. This option allows the user to
automatically calculate the velocity by entering a second known sample thickness.
Refer to page 40 for further info.
Material: Select the material velocity from a chart of basic material types, when a
known sample thickness, or material velocity cannot be obtained. Refer to page 44
for further info.
3.4 DISP (display) – Menu
View: Selectable RF wave, RECT (rectified) wave, BSCAN (cross section), and
DIGITS (large digits) views. Refer to page 46 for further info.
Backlight: Selectable OFF, ON, AUTO, or INVERT backlight option.
Contrast: Adjustable display contrast for variable light conditions.
Delay: Provides the user the ability to change where the left side of the display
window starts according to thickness, in inches or millimeters. Refer to page 55 for
further info.
Width: Provides the user the ability to change the overall size of the viewable
measurement area. It functions a lot like a zoom on a camera. Refer to page 52 for
further info.