Dakota Ultrasonics MVX User Manual
Page 54

Dakota Ultrasonics
screen from right to left. Also notice at location J, the pits and corroded bottom
surface of the material.
It’s important to note that the measurement range on the display be set wide enough,
so that the maximum thickness of the material can be viewed on the display. Using
the diagram above, if the material thickness was actually 1.75”, the underside of the
material would not be viewable according to the current range at 0.00” – 1.00”. All
the user would see is a black screen from 0.00” – 1.00” with no view of the bottom
contour at 1.75”.
The following is a list of the viewable features on the display:
A) Stability of Reading Indicator – Indicates the stability of the echo signal on a
scale of 1 to 6 – the solid bars displayed in the figure above indicate a repeatable
signal. If the MVX is displaying a reading from memory, the repeatability indicator
will be replaced by the text “MEM”.
B) Battery life indicator – Fully charged batteries will appear filled in solid. Note:
The diagram shows the batteries at approximately 50%.
C) Thickness reading – Digital readout of thickness (inches or millimeters).
D) B-Scan Display Area – This is the area representing where the B-Scan will be
drawn. Notice the range of the area in the diagram at 0.00” – 1.0” respectively.
E) Displayed B-Scan – Graphical presentation of the cross section, or side view of
the test material. The top, or accessible side of the material represented as 0.00”,
and the bottom, or blind surface at .500”. You will notice the contour in the B-
Scan, indicating a very corroded bottom surface. The B-Scan is displayed from
right to left at a rate of 15 screens per second.
F) Measurement Labels – The measurement labels are calculated and displayed
based on where the left side of the display has been set (Delay), and the overall
viewable area (Width) of the display. Note: The gray hash marks break the
display up into 5 segments, or quadrants. The measurement labels correspond to
the measurement at each hash mark.
G) Units Label - Display’s the current unit of measurement (inches or millimeters).
H) Hot Menus - Each of the fields located under the B-Scan display are called the
Hot Menu Fields. These fields allow quick control of some of the fine
adjustments needed to control the display settings, measurement modes, and grid
memory control. All of these fields can be adjusted without having to activate the
tabbed menu items and searching through a variety of menus to make
I) Scan Bar – The scan bar corresponds directly with thickness represented by the
horizontal labels on the on the display. As you can see from the diagram above,
the filled horizontal bar is displayed at .500”. This display can be very useful
when scanning materials in either B-Scan or Digits display views. It is much
easier to watch and notice deflections for flaws and pits using the scan bar, rather
than trying to notice changes in digital values. If the user is scanning a pipe, for