Dakota Ultrasonics MVX User Manual
Page 29

MVX High Performance Thickness Gauge
barrier. This allows the transducer the ability to achieve very high sensitivity for
detecting small defects. Also, the surface of the test material does not have to be as
flat in order to obtain good measurements.
Dual element transducers are normally used in pulse-echo mode for finding defects,
and in echo-echo mode for through coating measurements.
Dual element delay line transducers are usable over a range of 0.025 inches to 20
inches depending on the material, frequency, and diameter.
A limitation of dual element delay-line transducers is the V shaped sound path.
Because the sound travels from one element to another, the time versus thickness
relationship is non-linear. Therefore, a correction table in the instruments software is
used to compensate for this error.
Dual Element Transducer showing V-path of signal
Echo-Echo Mode
The echo-echo mode measures between two reflections. This technique is
commonly used to eliminate errors from surface coatings and also to make
measurements in multiple layered materials. The disadvantage is that two echoes
are needed which requires a much stronger echo (reflection).
Dual Element Transducer in Echo to Echo mode
Searching for small defects
Dual element delay line transducers are especially useful in searching for small
defects. In the pulse-echo mode with high amplifier gain, very small defects can be
measured. The A-Scan display of the MVX can be used to see the defect and
optimize the transducer placement.
Sometimes a grain particle or air bubble will cause a reflection. Without the A-Scan
display it is impossible to know if this is a thin area or just a harmless defect. The A-
Scan allows the user to see the backwall as well as the defect similar to a flaw