Dakota Ultrasonics MVX User Manual

Page 22

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Dakota Ultrasonics


Auto Find: Automatically locates the detection point if the measurement is out of the
viewable display area. Refer to page 74 for further info.
Scan Mode: This function enables a hi speed scan mode that increases the overall
sample rate from the standard 4 measurements a second to 32 measurements a
second. Refer to page 75 for further info.
Alarm Status: Toggles alarm mode on or off. Refer to page 76 for further info.
Alarm LO Limit: Gives the user the ability to set the LO limit parameter. If the
measurement falls below this value, a red light will illuminate and sound the internal
beeper. Refer to page 77 for further info.
Alarm HI Limit: Gives the user the ability to set the HI limit parameter. If the
measurement exceeds this value, a red light will illuminate and sound the internal
beeper. Refer to page 78 for further info.

3.10 XFER (transfer) – Menu

Backup Setups: Enables the user the ability to backup the setups currently stored
in the MVX to a PC via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the DakView 3 or
MVXview software for a complete electronic manual.

Restore Setups: Enables the user the ability to restore the setups currently saved
on a PC to an MVX via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the DakView 3 or
MVXview software for a complete electronic manual.
Backup Grid: Enables the user the ability to backup grids currently stored in the
MVX to a PC via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the DakView 3 or MVXview
software for a complete electronic manual.
Restore Grid: Enables the user the ability to restore grids currently saved on a PC
to an MVX via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the DakView 3 or MVXview
software for a complete electronic manual.
About: Provides the user with Dakota Ultrasonics contact information and the MVX
software version. Refer the help section of the DakView 3 or MVXview software for
a complete electronic manual.

3.11 CLR (clear) Key

The primary functions of the CLR key, is to clear a measurement from a grid cell
location or set obstruct, and backspace in an Alpha Edit Box. If a user has already
saved a measurement and waveform to a cell location, use this key to clear the
measurement at any time.