Google Grants Account Creation Guide User Manual

Google grants account creation guide

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Google Grants Account Creation Guide

Congratulations on being accepted into the Google Grants program! Weʼve
created this guide to provide you with the information and tools that you need to
make the most of your Google Grants account.

Because Google Grants is a self-managed program, we ask that you use this
guide to become familiar with AdWords prior to creating your account. That way,
youʼll be well equipped to create a successful account.

Getting your account set up is just a few steps away: First, read this guide and
complete the worksheets inside. Next, build your account using what youʼve
learned. Use the account submission checklist to make sure everythingʼs in
order, and then submit your account to our team. Upon approval youʼll be
advertising for free with AdWords.